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I have never considered that I might be truly depressed before. But now I feel out of control and crying frequently. I am hiding this from my family as I feel embarressed. Also, I am concerned as ernie mentioned that if I bring this up I will be viewed as a head case.

Any thoughts. I don't like some of the thoughts I have been having.

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I think it's not strange to feel depressed when your life changes so much because of POTS (and everything else in your case). I think every chronicly ill patient will experience periods of being depressed. The thing is to get out of it again. You can't hide it from your family because they can see that there's something going on with you. If you're honest and open to them you give them the opportunity to help you. When you try to smile and don't let them know that you're struggling they may feel you don't want them to help you. Ofcourse you feel embarrassed, we all do, but don't forget that YOU didn't ask for so much trouble, it's not your fault. It's that you have to learn and live with it. And keep on fighting to try and get better. Crying is okay because you need that to be able to feel a bit better. But after the crying you maybe can try to see some sunshine. Wish you the best,


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Depression and POTS do not necesserality go together but as Corina mentioned some of us are depressed because we are chronically ill.

What I find dangerous with the medical wolrd is that when they find you have anxiety or depression or some other emotional problems they brush off POTS and take you less seriously.

We certainly need some emotional support. This forum is a good place and sometimes we have to consult a professional for more in-dept work.


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My doctor told me he'd worry even more about me if I wasn't a bit depressed by all of this. Get your sweet self to a therapist who can be objective and validate you and help you understand it's okay to be sad at the turn of events in your life. And if you have a receptive family, for goodness sake, let them help you. It is not a bad thing not to feel like merry sunshine 24/7 honey. morgan

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I think i'm in a similar place to you. At least my docs said that they know depression isn't causing my symptoms but that anyone would be bummed out if they felt so sick. But, i'm still worried to say much about how i'm getting upset now cause i fear that future doctors will think that's a cause. but, I will pray for you. I finally broke down and emailed my doctor to let him know how frustrated iw as but he probly won't email back...but maybe you should tell your doctor how frustrated you are with the whole thing and make it clear that you only got upset when you started feeling lousy. Ask them if they think depression causes lupus or other chronic probs. I mean, seriously. Maybe asking that wouldn't win brownie points but...it's true. Plus, we aren't even recognized for having this problem that much or for its severity which is even more upsetting. maybe if they changed their attitudes and approaches we would not get as frustrated and emotional. I have a suggestion..this doesn't help the physical stuff, but listen to jars of clay - the music group...their music is really comforting. I like all kinds of music so i don't know if u'll like them, but my friend has all these jars of clay songs and she knows i like them so she leaves her itunes up now so i can share her music :-)

Feel better and i'm sorry you're getting blue. But i too get the crying spells. But it's natural.



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Hi Amy - Sometimes when we are not feeling as well as we used to and are having "POTS HOLE DAYS "(or weeks) or after first being diagnosed, there is a real adjustment period, sort of like a grieving process you go through for the person you maybe once were and are not anymore and this can make you sad - this is a normal reaction, atleast in my opinion to illness and in order to start feeling better and pick up the pieces and get on the best way you can with your life, you need to accept your limitations that you have right now - Do not berate yourself for what you are not able to do right now, instead try to think positive and celebrate the small things that you can still do every day. I hope I don't sound like I am preaching, but I was diagnosed 3 years ago and yes, I cried and felt sorry for myself in the beiginning for a few weeks, and then I woke up one day and said to myself, hey, I'm lucky- I have a great husband,2 great cats(who are like my children since I don't have any),a beautiful townhouse, great parents and lots of good friends. Once I began seeing things more positively and stopped aching for the life I used to have before this hit me, I was not so sad anymore :D .If you are having dark,suicidal type thoughts, then by all means, seek medical attention immediately - there is no shame in seeing a therapist or psychologist, being sick changes your life and atleast for right now, you need to accept it and use your energy into getting better and adjusting to what has happened to you for now. Have a good weekend!!! Beth

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I guess you could say POTS is basically a blood flow problem. Too little flow to your brain (while standing) and you black out, get a headache, brain fog, fatigue... Too much blood pressure (laying down/ adrenaline sensitivity) and you get a headache, pain behind eyes, irritable, fatigue...

It's plausible that improper blood flow to the brain could be a contributor to virtually any brain disorder.

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