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Immunologist Appointment On Thursday. Any Pointers?


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It was recommended that I see an immunologist regarding the flushing episodes that I have. I want to know if there is mast cell involvement. This doctor can send me to a colleague for mast cell testing if she feels it is necessary but she wants to run an allergy panel first.

Are there any specific questions I should bring to her attention regarding my hyper-pots type symptoms and or MCAD/MCAS?

Is there a way to post pictures on here? I'd love to share some pictures of the flushing that I have after exercise. It is totally different than my profile picture.

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Given your history with the EBV etc, I'd also be curious if she'd run IGg/IGm etc for EBV and some of those other viral titers to see if you are carrying a heavy viral load as well. Wonder if she'd be willing to do natural killer cell count and natural killer cell function. I know you said you were at John's Hopkins so don't know if that's where you're seeing the immunologist or not. Probably your average immunologist won't do them but if you were at someplace like JH, they might.

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I'm not sure what other tests she might run. She is a local doctor but does treat mast cell disorders so that is something anyway. My doctor said to make the appointment with her and we will go with whatever she finds. Her appointments are 2 hours long so she is very thorough. She wants me to bring all of my records, LOL, I doubt she means ALL of my records but I'll bring the ones from Mayo and JH for sure.

Thanks for the advice. I will definately see if she will look into some of the more rare blood work like you mentioned. Sure hope we find SOMETHING, tired of dead ends.

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