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Vision (Looks Like Old Film)


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I have really odd vision too and sometimes I have issues like this. We actually found out that because of the Dysautonomia I developed Diplopia (double vision) and that the flicker was my eyes refocusing. I wear glasses now that help a bit but there's really not much they can do for it. I still have 20/20 vision so the eye doctor didn't catch it during regular exams. There's a special test they do to see if that's the cause. If the computer's the problem though you should invest in some anti-glare glasses. They really help (as I used to work almost exclusively on a computer for hours on end I can tell ya, it makes a big difference!) But definitely look into the Diplopia. A good thing to try is unfocusing your eyes while looking at something, if it splits in 2 you've prob. got double vision. Mine normally doesn't split unless I'm having a particularly bad day or I'm really exhausted. Otherwise things just look a little grainy and when I go from looking up close to far away it takes my eyes a minute to adjust to the change. Good luck!

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