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Problems With Neurontin/gabapentin?


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Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has had problems with neurontin causing vasodilatation? I have been taking it for nerve pain from herniated cervical disc and with an increase in dosage my attacks of weakness, aching legs and headaches seem to be worse. Vasodilatation is listed as one side effect as is peripheral edema. I can only take it at night since it makes me off balance and tired. Docs wanted me to take it three times a day but can't do it! I'm wondering if it also causes increased anxiety - like when decreasing the dose too fast. I read somewhere that not keeping it in your system consistently can be like withdrawing daily. I'm only taking 500 mg nightly.

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I tried gabapentin last year and tried really hard to get on with it but it just made me turn into a zombie. I didnt really speak, felt totally detached from reality and had no energy to move or do anything. It made me feel quite depressed as well. After 12 or so weeks I came off it as I never came out of the zombie state (I was hoping it was a side effect I would get used to and it would go).

I discussed it with my POTS dr and he called it an evil drug and due to the problems I am having with amiltriptyline he suggested I try pregablin (lyrica) but on a small dose 25mg and just up it very very slowly before decreasing the amiltriptyline. Initially (for about 3 days) I was really out of it and felt like I was drunk! I am having some short term memory problems (now on my 3rd week) but I am not a zombie and Im not feeling depressed.

I think I am just very sensitive to this kind of medication.


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My son took this medication and had major problems such as twiching, leg tremors, shaking ,worse headache. He was put on this medication due to nerve pain. His dopamine and seratoin levels drop way below range. If you want to know more of our story its in a blog called survivingpots.com.

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I had a nightmare time of it with gabapentin withdrawal. It went on for months, both while I was tapering off the drug (reducing by 300mg a week, much too fast) and for months afterwards. The insomnia in particular was horrendous. Please be careful with this drug group.

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Thanks everyone - all good info. I did some thinking and decided that since homeopathic remedies work so well for me, especially after surgeries, that I should try it for nerve pain. Tried arnica over the past few days and it helped somewhat. Then I read that hypericum was indicted for neuralgia so I'm going to use that during the day as I reduced the neurontin dose at night.

Shall we even begin a discussion about the potential aggravation of anxiety by cortisone injections?! I suspect that the cortisone in my system is making m anxiety worse. But then it could be the Midodrine and Ritalin and florinef, right? Sheesh.

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