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Asthma: Do I really have it?

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Hi, Everyone,

I've read some threads about asthma, but I'm wondering if anyone can help me with this question. I had severe asthma as a child. I outgrew it. Then, a few years ago, when I was having severe POTS symptoms, I was having trouble getting a deep breath, so I saw an allergist who tested me for allergies, of which I have tons of them, and who said that my asthma had re-occurred. He put me on Serevent and Azmacort.

My best on my peak flows, even on the medicine, was between 400-450. I noticed, with this latest POTS episode, that my Azmacort seemed to make my symptoms worse, so I quit taking it, after being on it for about 8 years. My peak flows actually went up to 550! Now, they're back down to around 400, which is no different than when I taook Azmacort.

My question--Do I really have asthma, or is it the POTS making it seem as though I can't get a deep breath? I'm never wheezey when doctors listen to my lungs. What do you all think? Thanks.


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I had a PCP that treated me for asthma when this all started. One of my friends sent me to a pulmonologist and he is the one that ordered a TTT and found the problem. Maybe you need to go that route.

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For me, I never had asthma, and now it appears I have some sort of mild airflow obstruction consistent with asthma since developing POTS. If you ask me, it's not asthma, since I have no wheezing or anything, just a constant inability to breathe deeply and regularly.

I think it's the dysautonomia at work. Since you actually do have asthma and had it diagnosed long ago, I don't know what is causing your breathing problem. But I would guess that if meds don't help you, it's probably the POTS.

Not much helps the breathing dysfunction for me. Yoga and lying down make it a hair better.


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Probably not all due to asthma. I too was diagnosed with asthma when POTS started for me. I do have mild ashma that is aggravated by environmental factors...an emergency inhaler helps with this. I was on advair diskus which did not help the POTS shortness of breath I c/o to the docter. She kept increasing the dose it did not help at all. So I believe most of my SOB is due to the POTS. When my POTS is more controlled, I have less SOB. It definely ahs helped me to stay hydrated and take florinif. Hope this helps.

Dawn A

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Thanks, Everyone. Hey, Dawg Tired, what's a TTT? And, you said that your pulmonologist found the problem...he knew about POTS?

I think, as long as my peak flow stays at 400, where it was even on the medicine, I'll stay off of the medicine. But, my allergist said that if I didn't take my medicine, then if I did have an asthma episode, it would be worse. Have any of you heard or experienced that before?

Thanks for your help. Linda

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I have been dx'd with "allergy induced" asthma and only use a "rescue" inhaler on those rare occasions that I have any real trouble, mostly the late summer months. I find I get more out of good stretches and deep breathing excersies than any daily meds I took. Chronic shortness of breath(SOB) is something several of us have. I also have chronic chest wall pain, when it is really bad it can also effect your breathing. Like broken ribs, it just hurts so much to take a deep breath, but so improtant to keep those muscles stretched out.

A TTT is short for tilt table test.

best of luck,


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I had asthma as a kid and then I seemed to outgrow it (except for when I tried to going running in the cold).

I then moved to Kentucky (from VA) and I began to wheeze again every day.

My Dr. perscribed Singulair 10mg and it helps so much! (I don't wheeze anymore unless I forget to take it)

I also have the shortness of breath caused by POTS. For me I feel as if they are different things. One seems more of a wheeze and the other like I just can't get enough air and I'm breathing quickly.

I hope you find a Dr. who will help you figure this out,


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I have the same problem. I was diagnosed with asthma when I was younger but haven't had an "attack" for quite some time. I'm on advair and singulair. I still have problems with my breathing. Since I started having problems with POTS I've been asking my docs if they think it's the asthma or the heart. They always tell me they can't answer that. I get the same thing that others are talking about which is feeling that I can't get a deep breath and my breathing just feels more shallow than it should yet i know i'm getting enough air. I personally think that most of the breathing issues I have now are from POTS. When I did the tilt table test I got the same yucky breathing feeling before I passed out. my peak flow at it's best was around 550. when i take it now it's usually in the 400's. I also never wheeze but i never have even when my asthma was really bad when i was younger. I wish there was some way to test to figure out which is actually causing the problems. It's certainly not good to use a rescue inhalor if it's actually a POTS symptom.

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