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Just Getting Worse


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My gastroparesis is getting so bad. I go Friday for a celiac nerve block in hopes to help with the pain. On my 5th day of barely any kind of nutrition other than 1 boost and a little jello. Fatigue is unreal. Last night I drank my usual 4 doses of miralax and due to the fluids in my stomach, blood rushed to my belly and I went out. The near fainting spells are getting down right scary at this point. My husband is fireman and works 24 hour shifts and then off 48. I so fear fainting while I am here alone with my special needs daughter. In my city the police and fire dept. gave out emergency labels you can post on your doors to let emergency responders know there is someone in the home with a serious illness or has special needs. They give you this form to fill out about all your medical problems, meds. and emergency contacts. They said to put it on the fridge, so I did that yesterday.

Can others that have gotten worse please share with me how you cope physically. I am very spiritual and have a close relationship with God. Emotionally I am doing better cause I just trust in God in all things, but it is the physical attacks on my body is the true challenge for me. The heart rate that drops, the blood pressure that goes up and down, hypoglycemia getting worse....just everything.

I go to Vanderbilt in July. Had to postpone that appt. from Jan til July cause my daughter was too sick to travel. She has been very sick for 5 months now. The stress of that has had a serious impact on my declining health I fear.

Sorry to do nothing but complain. I am blessed in many ways and thank God for all that I have. I am just so tired physically and the pain, dizziness, near fainting all the time....is just so scary.

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Hang in there Sheila. Your faith will get you through because HE has promised us the he will never leave us. I am a parent of a 12 year old son with POTS and had to quit my full time teaching job to stay home with him. Being sick and having a child that is ill is not an easy burden to bear. Try to get some rest and do the best you can. Do you have family, church member, or close friend nearby that can help out so you can get some rest? Hugs and prayers coming your way.

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