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Pots And Infertility

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They could not tell me for sure but when I was diagnosed with POTS I also had surgery to remove a large tumor on one of my overies and I has endometriosis all over my uterus & overies. My MD had to remove the overy and my uterus. I was just 40. I tried to find out if it was connected to my POTS, I was so sick at that time but noone could answer me.

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I did 2 unsuccessful rounds of IVF in 2011. During the second round my POTS flared terribly and I am still disabled from it. In retrospect I probably shouldn't have messed with my endocrine system so much. But all my doctors said it should be safe to do IVF with POTS.

I'd be happy to answer any questions you have. The IVF process is crazy and totally surreal.


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I had infertility BEFORE I got POTS. I actually had a cancelled IVF (poor responder, only 3 follicles) converted to super-ovulated IUI. We got pregnant from that! and then I got POTS during pregnancy after a flu at 4 months. This was 4 years ago.

I suffered a miscarriage just last week. Got pregnant at 42 naturally and unexpected! But I lost it at 5 weeks. I was taking lots of sudafed and goldenseal for a sinus cold/flu, which probably reduced blood flow to the uterus and caused contractions. I was also getting major adrenaline rushes. I know high cortisol levels are linked with higher rates of miscarriage.

I also have endometriosis and a large ovarian endo tumor. I had uterine polyps which I had removed, but I also have fibroids. I'm getting that checked out this Friday. None of those issues prevents pregnancy but it can make pregnancy harder to achieve and maintain.

If you can control the BP and HR and adrenaline surges, POTS has not been shown to decrease pregnancy outcomes, but I don't know about fertility or miscarriage. I think it increases miscarriage risks if un-managed.

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I had uncontrolled POTS throughout the latter part of my pregnancy b/c it was undiagnosed. I had adrenaline surges, rapid hr, the whole nine yards. I did not have any problems with the pregnancy itself. My daughter was born at 40 weeks, 10 lbs, 2 oz (she was very long--this was not due to any glucose problems). There were no blood flow problems detected and clearly there was no growth retardation. I did have delivery problems and I think POTS may have exaccerbated this but I don't think POTS caused this per se.

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On the Mystery Diagnosis episode about POTS the lady had a miscarriage and the Dr made a comment that it could have been from POTS because of the abnormal shunting of blood. I have had 4 miscarriages, but don't know if it is related or not.

There was a discussion on DINET about this show. Perhaps it can be found through searching. As I recall this doctor's comment was criticized by a POTS specialist who did not feel there was any connection.

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Joyagh- So sorry for your losses.

Badhbt- I did see that episode and MomtoGuiliana- I recall that too. One doc said it could be related but the specialist was doubtful.

It makes sense to me that uncontrolled or flaring POTS could feasibly threaten a pregnancy but the handful of case studies I've read don't show that and one went so far as to say that POTS patients, in general, do not require High Risk OB.

Having said that I am currently off my meds, making me disabled and essentially homebound. I had a flare the beginning of the week (only lasted 2 days, unually short for me) but I put myself on bedrest...that way even though my heart rate was tachy for lying down, it wasn't so fast that it would reach the aerobic level (which I have read should not exceed 15 minutes for a pregnant, albeit healthy, woman.

Thanks everyone! This site is such a good resource.

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  • 4 months later...

I had a miscarriage 1.5 yrs ago. 1 month ago the doctor said I have dysautonomia (still don't know if I have pots or not). He said that my miscarriage was probably due to dyautonomia, because it causes hormonal dysbalance. I was perfectly healthy before the miscariage, after it i started experiencing some symptoms, but very mild, like presyncopy, but not serious. Then 6 month ago I got mononucleosis and since then I am still sick and still trying to figure out what is going on with me. All this time doctors have been telling me that it is anxiety and were giving me anxiety meds such as xanax and laxapro, which I got addicted to now. But even taking xanax doesn't help, so that made me think that there is something else wrong with me. The cardio doc said it is dyautonomia. Now I just had my blood results back and apparently my ACTH and cortisol are both high. Waiting for the endocrinologist to call me. I hope she will not say that it is normal, because i see that it is high. Last time i saw her she said you just stressed and need some antidepressant. Well, anyways, we really want to get pregnant, but I have no clue how to do it while feeling this sick and plus taking drugs. I am on 0.75 xanax per day and 2.5 midodrine 3x a day. I am 31 and feel like if I don't get pregnant now it will never happen. It took us yer and a half to get pregnant last time, and ended up in miscariage at 5 weeks.

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I'm so sorry this happened Gemma and hope you will get a positive (for you) answer.

My first pregnancy came very fast but for the second we needed hormones. My sister (not POTS but she has some symptoms that make me doubt) has had a lot of miscarriages, I think 5 in total. Fortunately she got 2 healthy kids (who are grown up now).

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