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Who Has Got Better


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Many people with POTS improve and live relatively normal lives. Search previous discussions and you will find a variety of things that helped people get better. Personally, my dysautonomia has improved greatly as I have improved overall. I became ill suddenly from a virus 8 years ago. At first, I was housebound. Gradually, with trying many treatments, I got better and slowly better. I have been working steadily, full time for the past 5 years. There is hope. This is a wonderful site with very helpful people who have researched and tried exercise, supplements, dietary changes, medicines, etc.

With my particular illness, chronic fatigue syndrome, what has helped me has included: rest, pacing myself, following a gluten free/dairy free/vegetarian diet, taking beta blocker, taking supplements, slowly incorporating yoga into my life, and I still search for ways to improve!

Have hope and become as educated as you can. Peace,

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Many people get better. Many join DINET but get better and leave the forum. Typically the most unwell or chronically unwell people use the forum, although not entirely.

I was bedridden in 2002-2003. It took several years for me to feel "normal" on a regular basis, but I have slowly over time gotten better with fewer severe relapses.

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Achilles hang in there. Exercise does help with POTS. My son was bedridden, He was so bad he could only sit up in a recliner. He did exercises to help core muscles first and he began to sit up on his own after a few months. I have a blog online called survivingpots.com. It is our journey of our son's illness. My son had to do many different types of exercise to strenghten his core and leg muscles. About a week ago, he was able to exercise on the wii fit for 20-30 minutes. I say a week ago because I know he is not able to do that now because he has the flu. However, from personal exerperience, I can tell you that exercise make a big difference and so does diet. My son may have lost some of his fitness level due to the flu, but he will come back up again. Try to keep a diary of your exercise program and if you can afford to start with a physical therapist thats willing to understand POTS, thats very helpful. My son was seeing a physical therapist before he got the flu, so it will be helpful to have someone else see what happens after an illness such as the flu. Never give up on exercise and diet. Exercise can make you feel better, and having someone to support you through this disorder also helps.

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