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Oxford (Uk) Anyone?


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Diamond Cut has a lot of info on doctors around central England.

Im in Northern England but have a second opinion for a 5 day in patient stay in London with prof Mathias. Took 14 months to get.

It depends on what your particular problems are where you go. What are your symptoms?

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I have Lyme and Thyroiditis, which have in turn triggered Dysautonomia, my Lyme doctor thinks. I had a bad reaction ten days in to some new antibiotics, which caused intense shaking, chills, face tingling and numb, trembling, breathlessness. Over the next few days I had the same reaction to aspirin/paracetamol, a probiotic pill, and increasingly after some foods. Have tachycardia, GI problems and headache now too. Having done lots of googling from my sick bed, my current theory is histamine sensitivity. The anbx is one known to have histamine in, and I react now to tomatoes, pork, garlic, smoked fish. Having had antibiotics for two years for chronic Lyme, I could be low in diamine oxidase, so can't turn the histamine off.

Sounds logical, now just need to find someone to diagnose me. GP doing some blood tests, but can't find a lab in the uh to test DAO. She's also testing to rule out carcinoid. Am waiting for a private appt with Dr Mathias to come through.

But had been wondering if any Oxford doctors know about ANY of this. They're certainly useless for Lyme.


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Ok - I saw matthais on the NHS as it was quicker than the private appointment - it was about 2 month. I had extensive tests first with a follow up appointment with matthias. He is clearly very busy and i am sure very well meaning but i think he has a lot of patients. So when i went to see him he did not have the results of my tests - they were missing and it was only because i checked with the nurse in charge that i saw him at all. He had me down as a return patient - so i only got 20 minutes. However he covered a lot of stuff in that time but also questioned me about what my husband did etc

I decided to continue seeing my pots doc here while waiting on a list to be seen in London. As i said i am now due as an in patient in 3 weeks and i now understand my illness loads better and feel i will really press for the right tests. Most of my problems are to do with heart rate, BP and debilitating chest pain. I have as yet to meet a specialist in the north east who is a cardio and had good knowledge of pots and this is my hope in London.

Dont know if this helps - he certainly should have associates who will know about pots and Lymes. I have been assured by his secretary that he has a whole team around him.

PM Diamondcut - I think that her user name - she has seen him privately as well as quite a few other doctors and her problems are more neuro.

Hope this helps.

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Hi there

I have seen Mathias and yes he does have a big team aroubd him but like Emma says it takes a long long time and i have seen a couple of POTs Drs since who in opinion are still good. As far as Oxford goes, i dont know if there are any, but it really isnt a case of every city has has a good POTS Dr sadly. There is a Dr Deering in Glocester which is not to far from you, it took 2 months for a NHS referal which isnt too bad, you can see him priviately too. He is a Cardio. I am also going to see a Prof Gammage on the NHS in Feb aswell, that took about 3 months aswell. He is a cardio so i will post how my appointment goes.

Emma - I hope all goes well with Mathias, it will be interesting how many test they run on you going through the NHS!!!

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