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Knee Pain


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Has anyone ever had anything like this or have any ideas?

I have been told I have POTS, probably Hyper, because of the tilt table test and my high blood pressure when standing.

I have symptoms that are similar to people here and I know everyone has many different symptoms. But I am wondering about the fact that I have most of my pain on the left side and what is really odd is that I get pain around my left knee and sometimes below it.

I have flare ups and with the high blood pressure I get pain in back of neck, left side of face, below the sternum, the left side above my hip and around myleft knee. At times I can't hardly bend it. It is not swollen. Things that can set off my symptoms can be bending (noticed that unconsiously I am bending without bending this knee), stairs, I cannot bike, etc.

I feel stupid even asking this but right around my first POTs episode, I slammed my knee between the door and dashboard of my Jeep (don't ask, I am just really graceful, its a family trait). At the time I was surprised it didn't cause too much damage, after a day it was sore but nothing else. Could I have done some kind of damage to the knee to an artery or something that could have triggered the POTS?

Am I just grasping at straws or ? I am experiencing a flare up and my left leg is kiling me, just lifting the leg over the shower is bothering it.

Thanks for any advice.

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The left side of my body is worse than my right, as well. My left rib, chest, shoulder, and especially knee. Not sure if this just coincidence or not, but it's been this way from the beginning.

I don't think, however, that slamming your knee in/on the door would even come close to triggering POTS. Usually there's some type of severe trauma, illness, etc. at the root of this tricky syndrome.

My neurologist informed me on my last visit that it's very common for people to experience severe limb pain on one side of the body (often the dominant side, but not always), and that it can be as bad as what you're describing about getting into the shower.

Once again, you are not alone, my friend!

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I don't necessarily think the injury had anything to do with causing it. Joint pain is fairly common with POTS. Right now I'm experiencing some really rough pain in my knees along with high blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea. Injuring your knee may have made the pain more intense in that side, though.

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