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Hormonal Pvcs - A Trip To The Er


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On top of my POTS, I started having severe PVC episodes about 36 hours ago. I went to the ER and they did pretty much nothing. I am wearing a Halter monitor at home now and I am praying and hoping I don't get any more of these scary sensations!! It feels like my heart is a butterfly, trying to escape from my chest!

Anyway, the first time I had this was 24 hours after I gave birth (exactly when my POTS started as well). I attributed it to hormones. I am now breastfeeding and I thought my period should not be coming any time soon, but it started together with the scary PVCs 36 hours ago. Is this possible that PVCs are related to hormonal shifts? Are PVCs POTS-induced or I'm being double unlucky with a heart disease and dysautonomia both triggered by childbirth? :S ::S Do PVCs always require an ablation and how am I going to get one if it makes POTS worse? I'm scared, please help me. Bedridden, bleeding, feeling like dying and unable to find answers while having a newborn is more than I can handle. Thank you!

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I have been getting them for atleast 7 years now and I am alive and sometimes kicking lol I get runs of them for weeks at a time or sometimes just once or twice a day, they never "feel better" but somehow u have to learn to swallow, breath and distract urself from them. The good thing for you is it could be hormonal and may subside as your hormones balance out. I got my first one runnign on a tread mill at my healthiest and by the next day I was having a hundreds or more an hour for 48 hrs. straight. I went to the hospital, panicked and they did all kinds of tests that said they were ok, they were concerned at the freqeuncy but eventually sent me home.

Ive since learned to live with them, although reluctantly and sometimes manically but all the same Im living.

From my knowlege, ablation is a bad idea for POTS and autonaumic issues and it has proven to make pots sypmtoms worse in some patients. My electro-cardiologist that I used to go to says the best treatment is no treatment, sometimes pvc's are telling us we need to get our bodies back in alignment, rest, eat well, and take care. Now thats easier said than done, especially with pots, but all the same atleast its not something worse. If this is only your second round with pvc's...relax...ur one of the lucky ones lol not to downplay it cause having just one stinks!! I know some people take beta-blockers if they become an everyday issue and that it can really help and much less risky than an ablation.

Long story short....as long as you have been, or are being medically determined that you are ok and they are benign, try and breath properly, hydrate yourself and relax. ANd odnt freak out thinking they are not benign, it is VERY rare that they have a underlying cause that is malignant. Matter of fact, I have never talked to anyone whose had a bad outcome from pvc's.....sooooo Congrats on your baby!! U have been through a lot just focus on healing and not the "what ifs"...good luck and take of yourself not just new sweet baby. U are taking the right steps with a halter moniter and u are on top of things, so ur doing exactly what u need to be doing.

Take care and rest, rest, rest, if I was closer Id come snuggle that baby for ya =)))

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I'm sorry you're struggling the way you do, but try to breathe and relax a bit.

Truth be told, probably no one knows what might trigger those pesky, uncomfortable, scary PVC's, but it might help you to know that - if your dr indeed confirmed the PVC's for you - they are harmless. Scary, but harmless. It could be that you're dehydrated, or that you have an electrolyte imbalance, or that you're going through a lot of stress (these are my main triggers). To the best of my knowledge ablations are not exactly helpful or indicated unless the dr perceives the heart arrhythmias as being dangerous and this is not the case. Also, PVC's don't mean that you have some heart disease.

I wouldn't exclude the hormonal changes you're going through as a possible case for what you're experiencing right now, but i guess only time or a knowledgeable dr can answer this question.

The holter monitor will hopefylly give you more peace of mind once the results are interpreted and you'll get to see your dr.

Most-likely others will chime in and try to reassure you. I've always found the members of this forum to be extremely helpful, knowledgeable and compassionate, so please know that you will find some answers, reassurance and much needed comfort here.

Take good care of yourself and your little one and keep us posted.

You'll be fine!

Blessings to you and your family,



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I have need getting PACs PVCs also for the last 7 years or so....mine are definitely related to hormones as they get worse near my period and then seem to go away and I don't a feel them at all. I have also worn many holter monitors. I do however know that they do get worse with anxiety so as hard as it may be try not to focus on them. Believe me I know it hard not to hyper focus on them but they won't seem as scary if you don't. Hope you are feeling better very soon.


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I'm really sorry you are having such a hard time and I hope you have relatives or friends that can lend you a helping hand and offer you comforting words. As Alex mentioned, PVCs are benign. I can only speak from my own experience and relay what doctors have told me, but PVCs, in a structurally sound heart, are harmless. Just wondering if they checked your thyroid. In the post-partum period, it is not uncommon to have issues with the thyroid and that could cause PVCs. From what I've been told by my cardiologist and the EPs I saw, you need to have thousands of PVCs in one day for them to consider an ablation. And several thousands. When you think about it, a normal average heart (not that of a POTsie ;) ) beats over 100,000 times a day, so even if you get 100 PVCs, it represents less than 1 percent of the daily beats. Very little. The Holter you are wearing will give the doctors an idea of how many you get in one day. I get all sorts of pesky beats and yes, I have noticed I get them more often when my hormones fluctuates like around ovulation and my period. It is not uncommon for women to get them when they hit peri-menopause, and during pregnancy (neither apply to me :) ). Also, they annoy me more when my other POTS symptoms are worse. Adrenaline can also trigger them, so as far as I'm concerned, I believe that is why I get them more when I'm really potsie since adrenaline runs in copious amounts in my veins. That being said, they wax and wane like anything else, for me anyways. Did you notice a certain pattern to them, meaning can you pin point a trigger or they come randomly? I sincerely hope you get to enjoy your baby as much as possible. ((((hugs)))) PS: For some reason, my computer doesn't allow me to break my thoughts into different paragraphs.

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Thanks for all your responses and encouraging words! However, I feel so embarrassed now, since English is my second language I made a BIG mistake - I was having SVTs, NOT PVCs!!! I just double checked with my husband.

Same question again: Is SVT benign and not life-threatening? Oh, I feel so stupid now for making this mistake..

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There are several classifications or presipatating causes of svt, so it would really depend on what exactly is going with yout heart. That being said, it is usually not life threatening, and the biggest concern , usually is demage done after extended periods of svt. By extended I mean more than a few hours of days or even years for some people so dont worry yourself too much. (easier said than done, if only I could take my own advice lol)

Generally speaking from my experience svt runs in episodes and is not usually constant. I get runs of it as well as a fib occassionally and take no meds becaue it is not frequent enough for me to warrant the side effects since I suffer with chronic hypotension. Some people do have beta blockers to help as well as some other meds. Again though, it all depends on what is going with you in particular. I imagine it could be triggered by hormonal side effects, stress or sleepless nights considering POTS seems to make us so prone to these issues. I would recommend you continue to follow up with a cardiologist and have proper tests done to make sure your heart is structurally sound ie; stress test, echocardiogram etc..or whatever your doctor reccommends. Until then be assured you are not alone and you are doing everything right by getting a halter monitor and being on top of your health. I dont drink caffiene and have recently cutt out some sugar and carbs that seem to aggravate these episodes.

Hopefully someone else can give you a better understanding, since I am a bit uneducated on this and can only really speak from experience.

And as far as english being your second language and being embarassed that you made an error.....its my first language and I cant seem to get it right most somedays lol =)

Good luck and hang in there!!!

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Hi again Lucy,

like Sarah wrote to you above, I was told that occasional runs of SVT are non life threatening, but just bothersome. An electrophysiologists might recommend an ablation, but if the dr is familiar with POTS he/she should know we are "special" and ablations are probably not the best way to approach the issue. My understanding is that there are certain meds that a dr might prescribe for sustained SVT, but some of them come with nasty side effects.

You might want to address this issue with your cardiologist, maybe he can suggest further tests for you, something that might enable him/her to understand the nature of your symptoms, and/or possible triggers.

Best of luck,


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