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Problems With Proprioception (Sense Of Where Your Body Is In Space)


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Interesting about the ear plugs. I have severe tinnitus as a bonus with my case so I have built in white noise- wonder if that counts?

As far as dressing- one thought would be to store all you need at a level that is easy to reach. That doesn't require bending or reaching high. This has little to do w proprioception but might make the whole dressing thing a bit easier. (you may already do this.). Anyway, I've learned to put everything I use daily (such as water pitcher, beans and coffee filters) at or just below eye level. I used to have them on the first shelf below the counter, and that little change makes making coffee about 10x easier and eliminates another change in posture. (thus a little less tachy)

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How do you mean that you have built-in white noise? Do you mean that the tinnitus provides the white noise? I don't think it works that way - my tinnitus was worst when my hyperacusis was also worst. I actually found that white noise therapy helped the tinnitus as well as the hyperacusis. The way the hearing therapist explained it to me is that the body is a very noisy place. Normally we don't notice all the little noises going on, but sometimes something goes a bit wrong and we start hearing noises from inside the body. So white noise therapy helps because it's training your brain to listen to tiny noises less. Earplugs, on the other hand, make you used to less sound, so you end up being even more hyper-sensitive to any sound at all, whether external or internal.

Funnily enough, I found the white noise generators in a drawer just this afternoon. I may well give them another try, they'd be handy to have for hospital appointments and the like. They're now sitting in their little box in the inside pocket of my handbag, together with my grey-tinted glasses.

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I have issues with this but I always thought it was a depth perception or vertigo thing.

I cannot walk a straight line to save my life. My biggest fear is ever having to pass a sobriety test, because I KNOW I will fail.

I also will reach to open a door a few feet before I am actually there, or not pull up far enough to a stop light. Playing catch? Forget it. I used to be a center fielder and now I have no idea where the ball is until it lands. My lack of coordination is what I consider to be the hardest thing to deal with in my pots experience.

Anyone ever feel like the earth is "tilted" or leaning a certain direction? Like sometimes I feel like I am being pulled to the left or right, and maintaining balance is impossible. The being on an incline sensation is so very trippy.

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Very interesting to read all the posts - I realize I am truly not alone with all the neuro "stuff" - I often have dizzy spells - vertigo - feel like I'm being pulled downward or feel like I'm the little ball in a pinball machine! - bumping into furniture, walls, people.....I also have tinnitis - constantly....feel like I'm deep in the woods listening to the buzzing of the crickets or inside an old television listening to the "snow". My co-workers are used to my cognitive dysfunction and even laugh with me when I can't quite come up with the right words or sentences....very annoying when I have to teach and I can't remember simple concepts I've been teaching for years....and yes, Soulshine...the earth is definitely on a permanent tilt!

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Yes, the built in white noise is the ear ringing. It started last year as a single bilateral constant high pitched ringing

And has progressed during the past year to be three constant pitches- the original high, another fairly high and the third is exactly one octave below the original pitch. On really symptomatic days I will get a 4th lower pitch which seems to come and go.

So glad you posted about the "white noise" plugs- that is a great point. I will have to try to find those.

With all my other symptoms tinnitus is such a small irritation that it doesn't often come up but glad to know I'm not alone. I do wonder if those of us that have tinnitus also tend to have more cognitive issues..? Hmmm

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No idea, but there are many different types and causes of tinnitus. Mine is pulsatile tinnitus, which I love as a name because I think it sounds so dodgy! It just means that I get a rushing noise in time with my heartbeat. It's vascular, apparently, and was triggered off by flu. The white noise therapy mostly put it to bed, though it tends to flare up when I have a cold. I do occasionally get another type of tinnitus, a single high-pitched tone, but not enough for it to be seriously problematic, and mostly just when I'm really exhausted.

When I got the in-ear white noise generators, 7 years ago, they were given to me by a hearing therapist. I don't think they're easy to buy on your own, and I got the impression they were very expensive. But I reckon you could do the same job with an MP3 player anyway. You start with the white noise on a low setting, just ten minutes a day, as far as I remember, and gradually build up the volume and the time. I think you also start by doing the ears separately and then eventually together? Worth playing with, at any rate. There are tinnitus forums around, I'm sure people must talk about this there.

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