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Sudden Fast Hr For A Minute - Apparently In Sinus Rhythm?


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Finally a monitor picked up a few episodes of hr 200bpm but was told my heart was in sinus rhythm so it was ok. It has been happening for 18mths and until now nobody believed me.

When this happens it lasts 30 secs-3mins and i have bad chest pain or arm pain and bp seems to go up to 145/100 say.

Just wondering if this happens to anyone else - ie is it a pots related problem or is it a cardio problem. or is it really not a problem at all?

Today it happened between lengths when i was swimming and means i have to be really careful - if i let my hr go too high 140+ then it can happen and it really knocks me out a bit.

Any advise/suggestions?

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I get that too. It's very random, it comes out of the blue and like you said it "self terminates" in a couple of minutes. Taking meds doesn't really seem to help.

I was also told that every single episode that has been captured shows that my heart has always been in normal sinus rhythm, so I shouldn't think there is anything wrong with my heart. Plus I had an echocardiogram and stress test and have been reassured that everything is structurally normal as far as my heart goes. It is scary, but I've kind of gotten used to this and I don't freak out the way I used to. In my case I was told it happens because my autonomic nervous system is sometimes in overdrive, so it sounds to me like it's a POTS issue.

What helps me ... dropping whatever I do, laying down, taking deep breaths, guzzling water, and sometimes an extra dose of propranolol (but that doesn't always decrease my HR). Sometimes my HR will stay elevated (over 100 at rest) for quite a while after such an episode regardless of what I do. Funny thing, that no one was able to explain to me - most times after such an episode the muscles in my legs (particularly my thighs) feel so sore, as if I had run a marathon.

It's not much of a consolation, but know that you're not alone in this.

Just curious, what did your dr have to say about this?



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I have been diagnosed with Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia. The highest I've had recorded was about 160 when I was just walking across the parking lot going back to work after lunch. But yeah, same thing. Just shows up for no reason, goes away on its own. Doctors had me on a beta blocker for awhile but that made me feel like a zombie so I went off it.

I'm basically just used to it, and I don't worry about it or do anything about it when it happens, since I know it'll just go away on its own. My doctor wasn't concerned, since it was a sinus rhythm.

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Thanks so much Alex and Tuesday.

I dont panic anymore - but it leaves me shaky and with chest pain.

Can't take bb as i also have very slow hr often.

I see the doc next week and hope to discuss this in some more detail.

Will let you know.

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