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Causes Of Transient Eye Blurriness?


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One last question from my insomnia-riddled mind... sigh. Does anyone know the physiological mechanism behind transient eye blurriness (not constant, but semi-frequent lasting for up to a few minutes at a time)? For me it comes on randomly - there's no particular plane of focus, my eyes are just so blurry that I can only make out shapes. I know I have pupillary issues, but I assume the blurriness is lens-related? Ideas?

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I also get occasional unexplained blurriness, but it tends to occur much more in my left eye. I've been told for years that I have "enlarged" optic nerves when they do the routine dilated pupil examination at the eyedoctors. I've worried that it's optic neuritis, as that's a symptom of MS, but have been told on further examinations that it's not that.

I find the blurriness seems to coincide with bad days, which doesn't seem surprising. It's something that I find quite worrisome!

Sorry i don't have explanations - but I feel your pain!! :)

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