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Help Re: Tst (Thermo Sweat Test) - Very Upset, Need Advice

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Hi Everyone - I posted here once several months ago, but I would like to intro myself & tell you how relieved I am to have found this website. I can't believe all of the info & how complex all of this stuff is now that I've read many of your posts. Wow.

I've been ill for 7+ years, progressively. It took me 6+ years to finally figure out that something neuro might be happening.... feels like I'm back at square 1, but it's a start. :unsure:

I don't have "POTS" & my TTT was basically normal, but have many other dysautonomia symptoms, and finally made it to Cleveland Clinic 2x in the past few months for tests.

My most disabling symptoms are heart arrythmias & tachy, dizziness, pain, shortness of breath, anxiety, and not being able to sweat at all, ever.

I had a QSART, which indicated near anhidrosis (SFN, suggestive of autonomic neuropathy, per the neuro). Finally, I felt like I was getting some validation, ya know ?

Then I had the TST. They covered me in powder - and it turned deep purple after 10 mins, which shocked me. I was bone dry, yet the powder changed color. Therefore the neuro stated that I have a "normal hidrosis pattern".

I was just so upset I cried, because I know I can't sweat, and don't sweat.

Can anyone help shed some light on this ?


Note - I didn't put any lotion on the day of the test (it was at 7:30am), but i did put some on the day before (pretty thick stuff.. and didn't shower before the test.

I suggested that as a possible issue, and they said "no, that would actually cause a false positive".. which is not true, per documentation I found in a book written by Mayo Neuro team.


Thanks so much for your help. Julie

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I have to be really hot to sweat...I used to be the other way around, dripping all the time. I think it is the dysautonomia, where our temperature sensors are all askew. I don't think it really affects treatment unless it is a major issue.

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