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Mcad/eds - "leaky Gut"


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I'm not a fan of the term "leaky gut" as it rather non specific, but it seems that there is a core of people online who link EDS and leaky gut.

I've been gluten free for about a year now. It's really helped. Very rare that i get abdo pain, digestive system seems to tick along OK with the help of a PPI and a very limited diet (due to MCAD).

However over the last week or so have had a bit of a POTs flare up of sorts. Less able to exercise, constant brain fog, lots of burping, tingling numbness worse than normal and a flushed face.

I haven't been sleeping well lately, skipping meals, not being conscious of hypoglycemia ( OD-ing on sugars!) and due to injury have become decondtioned.

I've had these kind of flare up's and they seem to go over a few weeks, but i'd love to know if others get flare ups of this nature and can pin point them to anything specific? My best guess is it's due to lack of exercise and letting reactive hypo get a bit out of control, but can GI bacterial over growths or infections cause these transient flares, and very specific problems like a flushed face?

Any thoughts appreciated. :)


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Aaron, I do believe our gut bacteria contribute to symptoms, whether they are POTS-related or not. I've had a 12 year history of bloating, etc., and have never found a good doctor who can fix it. I have a looong post on this from 2010 if you look back under "gut bacteria...", with alot of references to medical papers of the effects of gut bacteria.

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I don't experience facial flushing so I'm not familiar with it.

But since you mentioned that the gf diet helped yiu and now after eating more sugar which

I assume means more gf goodies, I'd look for gluten cross contamination. Everyone responds a

little different to gluten cc. Some respond immediately and for others it takes repeated exposure.

The metamatrix stool test can show you if you have leaky gut. Fwiw, I like the way Dr Fasano

explains leaky gut.

Bad Gut bacteria, parasites, etc can make anyone sick. My exposure to h pylori made it hard

for me to stand up at all. Tc .. D

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Aaron, I do believe our gut bacteria contribute to symptoms, whether they are POTS-related or not. I've had a 12 year history of bloating, etc., and have never found a good doctor who can fix it. I have a looong post on this from 2010 if you look back under "gut bacteria...", with alot of references to medical papers of the effects of gut bacteria.

Thanks Sue, will try and find your post. i'm sure in the past i have had bacterial problems with abdo pain and everything that goes with that. being on a PPI i understand this can make one more prone to infection.

I wonder wether this leaky gut issue is a chronic problem in ESSers, something that waxes and wains and adds to brain for etc..

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I don't experience facial flushing so I'm not familiar with it.

But since you mentioned that the gf diet helped yiu and now after eating more sugar which

I assume means more gf goodies, I'd look for gluten cross contamination. Everyone responds a

little different to gluten cc. Some respond immediately and for others it takes repeated exposure.

The metamatrix stool test can show you if you have leaky gut. Fwiw, I like the way Dr Fasano

explains leaky gut.

Bad Gut bacteria, parasites, etc can make anyone sick. My exposure to h pylori made it hard

for me to stand up at all. Tc .. D

Thanks Dizzy. will look for Dr F explanation.

How are you getting on on paleo? Been trying to do 6 small meals per day at the moment, each meal the same chicken, sweet potato and a type of green veg. Have beeb eating this or variations of this for years anyway but starting to feel guilty about eating so much meat.

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I've actually been on the wahls diet (basically it's tons of fruits and veggies) since jan. It's going really well.

I reduced my meat from 3/4 lb per day to 1/4 lb and feel a lot better eating less meat. The fruit is helping

me energywise too. I just can't pig out on fruit.

I also tested low on elastase too tho, via metametrix, and taking creon is helping me now too. Kow ..

If you don't mind me asking, why is your diet so limitted ? We need variety.

Granted it's not always easy but going to a health food store that carries a large variety of produce helps.

Oh and Dr terry wahls has some great info / videos on diet and leaky gut.

Tc .. X

Ps. I don't know if it was the wahls diet or the treatment for h pylori and parasites I did in dec

but I haven't had orthostatic hypotension (bp drop) since feb. Kow. I still have pots tho so I didn't gain any functionality. There is an article on pheonix rising about a chemical, (isopr?? - comes from veggies), that's supposed to help with blood volume.

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I've actually been on the wahls diet (basically it's tons of fruits and veggies) since jan. It's going really well.

I reduced my meat from 3/4 lb per day to 1/4 lb and feel a lot better eating less meat. The fruit is helping

me energywise too. I just can't pig out on fruit.

I also tested low on elastase too tho, via metametrix, and taking creon is helping me now too. Kow ..

If you don't mind me asking, why is your diet so limitted ? We need variety.

Granted it's not always easy but going to a health food store that carries a large variety of produce helps.

Oh and Dr terry wahls has some great info / videos on diet and leaky gut.

Tc .. X

Ps. I don't know if it was the wahls diet or the treatment for h pylori and parasites I did in dec

but I haven't had orthostatic hypotension (bp drop) since feb. Kow. I still have pots tho so I didn't gain any functionality. There is an article on pheonix rising about a chemical, (isopr?? - comes from veggies), that's supposed to help with blood volume.

Thats really interesting, thank you for reply. i shall have a look @ whal's diet.

My diet is limited because of MCAD, i react to most foods. All grains for example, and also unfortunately most anti histamines.

I take it you don't have any hypoglycaemia issues and therefore you can eat fruit no problem?

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When I first started working on my leaky gut in 2005, I was reacting to most foods. But all that calmed

down after about a year of eating bland foods. Then I slowly incorporated new foods into my diet and now can eat a wider

variety. Have you tried that yet ? Are you taking probiotics and s boulardi ? Being strict about avoiding gluten

may be what you need now.

I still get antibodies to

gluten and egg whites. And allergies to soy and dairy. And bacon and tomatoes cause my fibro pain to

return. But there's a ton of foods that I'm good with.

I have chronic hypoglycemia due to hyperinsulinemia. It's funny. I avoided fruit for years due to hypoglycemia

but when I switched from the paleo diet to the wahls diet, I very slowly increased my fruit to around four servings a day.

As long as I don't eat too much and I follow it with some protein or fats I'm good. My only problem now is

that I get carried away sometimes and I eat too much.

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your posts are so knowledgeable on all things diet related! :) Given me lots to go away and research. funny that a food as specific as bacon can cause pain.i found that bacon can cause MCAD reaction, but i think its the preservatives perhaps more than the meat. I also have reactions to soy so like you don't do soy, dairy or gluten. My vegan mates are impressed with the strictness of my diet, but no so much when i tell them its not through choice!

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Thanks. I've had to learn a lot about leaky gut in the last seven years so I try to help others get thru this easier.

It's a shame we have to go thru this but at least there are others on the web helping us.

I even tried organic maverick ranch bacon multiple and reacted everytime. Same with tomatoes. I tried cooking

my own organic tomatoes and that didn't help either.

I just noticed that you're on a ppi. Have you looked at the long term side effects from those ? Most of the people I know who react to gluten and then eliminate

it can get off their meds. Especially digestive meds. I'm not up on the withdrawal process

of ppis tho. I would assume going slow is important tho.

Dr wahls ted video is a favorite.

Good luck .. At least your mates can appreciate your dietary choices .. Tc .. D

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