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Viral Infection And Dysautonomia.help!

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Hi everyone.

It's been a long time since i posted something because i was enjoying a full year without dysautonomia symptoms(not serious ones at least).In the last two months i started waking up fatigued and had ibs symptoms and tachychardia.I new i was having a relapse but my homeopathist helped me keep it stable.However five days ago i started having common cold symptoms and as a result my body is in a mess.The trouble is that it is not going away and i have had blocked nose,migraines,fever(not too high but doesn't come down no matter what i do)and breathing problems.On top of that it has triggered my gastrointestinal problems and i have bloating and acid reflux(and i can barely eat anything)Also when i lie down or try to get some sleep i choke because of the phlegm.I barely sleep 4-5 hours a day.

I want to go to the hospital but i am afraid that i m going to receive the same ignorant attitude that i did last time i went.The doctors don't seem to understand that for me it's not just a cold and i need to get rid of it because the more i am sick the worse it gets for my dysautonomia crises.I'm so drained physically and emotionally....how can i make them understand that "being patient for a few more days and we'll see" is not good enough for me?Do i have to reach the stage where this will turn into pneumonia in order to receive some proper attention?Or should i just go to the hospital and just fight in order to have them do their job?I don't know what to do....any ideas?

Do you inform the doctors that you suffer from dysautonomia when they treat you?And if you do how do they respond?

P.s.how do you boost your immune system during a flu or a viral infection?(especially if you suffer from GERD,IBS,asthma and all the dysautonomic symptoms at the same time?)

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Sorry that you are sick!

Every time I've gotten sick it's made my other symptoms much worse. I don't have any tips for you other than that I try to catch and treat things early if it's possible. I had strep a while back and ended up with a few very intense tachycardia episodes before my throat was even really hurting that much. I went to the doc for the tachycardia episodes because I knew something was up and mentioned that my throat was also hurting a little. They said they thought I might be getting strep and but me on antibiotics right away. It was only bad for about a day or two then I seemed back to normal. Compare that to when I had a bad viral chest infection (and since it was viral they didn't give me anything for the infection they just treated what came up) It took me seven months to get back to where I was before getting sick. My asthma got really, really bad so they put me on a steroid. The tachycardia was awful and I could barely walk around- they just took a wait and see approach with that.

I definitely tell any new doctors or dentist about the dysautonomia. Some haven't paid that much attention, others have taken it seriously. The only thing no one really takes seriously is my temp- I'm always low so when I'm at a normal temp I feel like I have a fever. At 99 I feel horrible- no doc has ever taken that seriously.

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Spinny C.What you said about temperature is also true for me.I feel my entire body aching when i get 99.I usually get the 'you're a hypohondriac look' when i tell them .This evening i had 102.2 and after 4 hours i just couldn't take it any more so i went to the hospital.The doctor put me in oxygen mask immediately and gave me antibiotics as my viral infection has turned into a severe bronchitis.After 2 hours i started regaining my strength and now i feel so much better.I just want to fax my diagnosis to the silly doctor i visited in another hospital yesterday and he told me that i shouldn't have bothered come cause it's just a common cold.24 hours later it was not so common.

Anyway,i m just thankful it all turned out well this time.

Thank you for your reply Spinny C.I hope you are well now.

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Glad you are feeling better and they could give you something that helped! And OMG- on the temp, I can't imagine how you must have felt if you have a low temp normally too!

Last time I got the flu I went to the ER and was admitted into the hospital for half a week. They put me on oxygen right away, couldn't get me well hydrated no matter how many iv's they gave me, resting hr of 150's-160's. They kept saying "good thing is/ or we can't believe that you barely have a temp" but I was at 100 or 101 which I kept telling them was pretty high for me. And I felt super feverish.

Take it easy and don't try to force feeling better is my best advice. It definitely took me a while to feel normal after that last lung infection.

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I had reactived epstein barr and did lots of research as the dr said antivirals would not work. I take olive leaf extract as well as red marine algae to keep the virus suppressed and it has worked. My levels went down to undetectable. The two meds are antivirals and help with the immune system but I know one of them can lower BP so read about it.


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