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About three times today I have gotten this feeling for one or two seconds where it feels like the world is spinning around me. It makes me feel like I need to grab on to something or shut my eyes. Is this vertigo? And is it just another lovely POTS symptom? Thanks.

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Sounds like vertigo! I had never experienced it until I took Midodrine. Midodrine gave me my life back but then suddenly caused me to have vertigo. Mine was positional vertigo though... I only experience when I turned over in bed or right when I got up... kind of felt like I was on a boat hit with waves! It took about 2 months to go away after I stopped taking the Midodrine.

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I have spells of vertigo, they can last for about 3 days and disapear again. I can't get out of bed when I have them, even lifting my head from the pillow makes the world spin around. My family doc has no clue where these spells come from, so I "sit" them out. I haven't told my ANS doctor about this, as soon as it disappears I forget about it until they come back. I have this about 3 or 4 times a year. I hope this passes soon for you Puppylove!

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This was actually the first symptom that my daughter had with POTS. Since then it happens a few times a month. It must have something to do with POTS because she has had her inner ear checked out and everything is fine. Sorry this is happening to you.

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