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Is Anyone Else Affected By These Things?

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I get really, really lightheaded and feel like i'm going to pass out at times (not every single time but a lot) when I use the elevator, stretch, and yawn. Does this affect anyone else? Do you ever get symtpoms from doing these things?

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I can do all those things also but it doesn't happen all the time. Mostly stepping off of elevators can mess with me. I do feel that pressure, acutely when an elevator moves. I seem to be sensitive to pressure changes around me. I've lived my life in Florida and as a teenager I can remember saying that there must be a hurricane brewing because I could feel it. I still can.

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These are all vasovagal responses and normal for us :)

The second book of Dr. Driscol's is really hitting on vasovagal nerve and the possiblity of compression on it. She has some interesting theories - will be interesting to see if they pan out. Especially for us with EDS issues.


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These are all vasovagal responses and normal for us :)

The second book of Dr. Driscol's is really hitting on vasovagal nerve and the possiblity of compression on it. She has some interesting theories - will be interesting to see if they pan out. Especially for us with EDS issues.


I like Dr. Driscol...Did you post or have you read her theory on CCSVI, Chronic Cerebral Spinal Venous Insufficiency...I'm going to talk with my Neuro about this one. Sounds interesting to me. This goes along with the compression theory...

I believe, with me, there may be an anatomical component, together with the virus I had initially, when all this started; I am tall and lanky, possible Marfans, vessel related, and I found out I had kyphosis when I got a chest xray once, too, by accident!! I am completely my father's daughter...lol.

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Thanks for the replies everyone. I like it when I'm not the only one who experiences weird things :)

I suppose I should do more research on the vosovagul stuff. Where is the vasovagal nerve located? (I hope that's not a dumb question) but i don't know

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I think it runs from the brain down to the abdomen and has many branches....it controls alot of bodily functions...handles incoming and outgoing signals from the brain to nervous system...effects breathing, digestive system etc and is very sensitive lol! hope that helps


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Not to hijack the thread but its sorta on topic...

Does anyone else ever feel that feeling like when a plane takes off, when they are fatigued? Or any other time for that matter? Do you know what I mean, like a pressure or an invisible force pushing down on you.

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We are all in this together, and it's a good question, and there are so many questions...I call it heaviness or feeling like a slug :blink: , and yes, that could have something to do with vasodilation or blood pooling, which tends to be another symptom for us. :unsure:

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