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When A Medication Stops Working...


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I have been on the maxium amount of Phenergan for about six months for nausea and I think I have almost become immune to it's effects. It doesn't help as much anymore, and doesn't make me even the tinest bit drowsy anymore either. When your body gets used to a medication, if you stop it for a while would that make it start working again? Or is it like once your immune to it, your immune to it forever? Also, can this happen with all medications? I sure hope not...

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I've had that happen with bb's. I started off on 50mg which worked great for 10 days and then stopped working so I was put on 100 which worked great for 10 days and then stopped working. Which made my cardio put me on 150 which worked great for 10 days and so on until I stopped upping when on 300mg. The 300 mg worked best hr wise but made me too tired to move so I got back to 200mg.

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I've had this kind of problem in the past with painkillers or with NSAIDs. My body slowly adjusts to a certain level, and then I had to increase it in order for the pills to work for me again. That's why I'm trying to stay as far away as I can from pills. Unfortunately, that's not always an option, as right now I'm taking more pills than ever... not even sure if they help or what.


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