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Your Happy Place!


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I've been struggling badly lately with letting my emotions get the best of me. Over the winter I was mainly just gloom and doom, now I'm mad at the world and want to beat it up... With that said I looked for a post that had happy memories or hobbies that people had and didnt find one. I'm going to post some pictures and please add to the thread.

I love motorcycles of all kinds and over the years I had 15 bikes. I also love cars/trucks too.

Of all the bikes I've owned this was one of my favorites, Triumph Speed Triple


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My son Heath was just married to Megan in February. It was a very happy occasion :)

Weddings are great! Family, friends, etc! My avi pic is from my cousins wedding last June. I was in the wedding and struggled standing still during the ceremony. Afterwards while sitting at the table I felt uncomfortable and just focused on my food and ate it quickly. After that all went well.


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How do you post these pictures? Looks like you are very active...my husband has a Moto Guzzi motorcycle, by the way. I used to ride dirt bikes when I was a teenager. My parents would have died, it they knew. I love riding...I also was on swim team when I was a teen, was a lifeguard, and am certified in scuba diving; I also was a dancer, and finally learned to ride horses, as an adult....although every chance I got when I was younger, I was on the back of one!! I also love to snow ski...even went mountain climbing once!! I've had a full life, and am a very joyful person, but I've slowed down a bit. I am still able to sing in the choir; I love to sing!!

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Anything with my family is a precious gift these days~Making Memories can be as simple as a phone call, video chat, a visit, a day out to sleep over with the kids, an art party, laying down and telling stories, learning new things from my kids, and always l@@king for the gift in everyday. I used to be an aerobic teacher and now it's been years since I've been able to even go apple picking, on vacation with my family. The ocean is a place I love, and the sun is my enemy now that docs have figured out what is wrong with me. Life has changed, slowly to a place I thought I would never be~ Little things mean more to me now, saying I love you, not being afraid to reach out to others if they need to talk, and just being there for those I love ~ Life is too short ~

I'm very happy that you are able to be so active. Very nice pics~ I believe you have to upload the pics to flicker or photobucket. I think there is a post on how to do it.

Have a great day all ~


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How do you post these pictures? Looks like you are very active...my husband has a Moto Guzzi motorcycle, by the way. I used to ride dirt bikes when I was a teenager. My parents would have died, it they knew. I love riding...I also was on swim team when I was a teen, was a lifeguard, and am certified in scuba diving; I also was a dancer, and finally learned to ride horses, as an adult....although every chance I got when I was younger, I was on the back of one!! I also love to snow ski...even went mountain climbing once!! I've had a full life, and am a very joyful person, but I've slowed down a bit. I am still able to sing in the choir; I love to sing!!

To post the pics you need to use a hosting site. I use Photobucket. Then once you copy the pic using your tool bar starting with the "B" (for bold) count over 11 spaces. You will see a box with something in it (to small to tell). Click that and it will give you a window to put the picture link in.

Motorcycles are a blast but very dangerous... I've scene some bad stuff happen on the street and am thankful I was never injured badly... Moto Guzzi makes some cool sport touring bikes. Do you ride on it with your hubby? Dirt bikes are a blast I'm just afraid to hit the jumps!

I try to stay as active as possible. The past 4 months have been the hardest I've endured yet but I plan on trying to do all the things I did last year. Standing still is harder than being in motion...

Here's another great memory. My aunt and uncle took us on vacation to Kiowa SC. It was the best vacation I've ever been on. I found this goofy bat at a local store and these weird half balls and had to buy them. The funny thing was I felt so good while on vacation... Every day I would get up eat, head to the health club and work out, come back eat some protein, take a bike ride, and then swim in the pool. Were supposed to go back next year with them and I'm already looking forward to it. Just not the drive from Ohio...


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Yes, I have ridden on the back of the Moto Guzzi, but I get motion sick, too, so just short distances!! I can't stand in lines...I have been known to sit down or ask to go ahead of some people before; one woman could tell I wasn't feeling well, and asked me if I wanted to go ahead of her...When I'm feeling well, I do the same for others at the grocery for those who only have a hand full of purchases...God is good :) . My limit is an hour or two on good days, always in the afternoon, (I'm too shaky in the morning), and I make myself go to the gym twice a week. Walk my dog short distances every day. It's better for us to stay active to avoid blood pooling, keeping fit, and keeping well hydrated to prevent more hypovolemia!! Swimming is great!!

Thanks for the tip on pictures. I just created an account on Flickr, so maybe I'll try it out and see!

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The link that got emailed out goes to the pic ~What a beautiful couple :) :) ~

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where are you trying to put the link? in which icon?

Bellamia ~

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The 11th one down, called code...oh well...I even tried image, the 10th one, and it said this site wouldn't allow it...go figure. I'll try again later. Thanks for helping :D

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I had fun helping you ~ LET me know when you find out where it goes my friend ~ It must be link ~ lol :lol:

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I like doing this ~ Hope you do too ! ; )

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I've done this before, and actually watched the babies hatching. I love to watch everything in nature. We had baby wren's last year in our BBQ pit!! We watched them every day. They don't even mind you peeking...they are very social birds. My parakeet used to keep them company, and then started speaking wren!! I am not kidding....it was too funny :D

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I love watching babies of all kinds in the wild ~ I think I have a nest building in my air conditioner as I type ~ I've had baby bunnies in my flower bucket by my back door and thought they were little potatoes ~ I love mother nature ~ I love all wild animal cams ~ :rolleyes: Bellamia ~

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Thanks, but I want to get it to show up here. How do I do it?!

hmm... did you copy the link and put it in the "image" icon? The code from Photobucket or whatever you use will look something like this http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f8/Monstrosity80/DSC00397.jpg

and when you put it in the window it comes out like this:


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Is that your son? He's a cutie :) I used to love jumping on the trampoline, too. In fact even took some lessons when I was in the third grade!! Like the bike pictures, as well. The photo thing is not working even with a guest pass, so I guess I will have to make it public in order for this site to accept it, but I really don't want to do that...only friends and family on Facebook, too. Since it is a picture of them, I respect their privacy...Oh well...maybe I'll remove that one, and find one with my dog!! Thanks for all the help :D

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