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I Just Found This And Thought It My Be Of Use!


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Good article - where do you find them? There is a natural sugar a doctor told me about that you can buy from The York Sugar Cures - called Xylotene. It is good as a mouth wash, for ulcers, for gum disease and kills bacteria. Tastes like sugar. Might be a good alternative especially for children. I don't have sugar in the house but was advised to use this as a mouth wash.

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This is a great article Anna, thanks for posting!!

"On the other hand, there is evidence that increased sympathetic activity results in insulin resistance due to 1-adrenoceptor activation causing a reduction in blood flow and therefore a reduction in glucose delivery to skeletal muscle. The outcome, then, is a continuous stimulation of sympathetic nervous system due to compensatory hyperinsulinemia in response to the insulin resistance."

Maybe diet plays more of a role than we think? :)

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Thanks, Anna, for posting this. Very interesting. ^_^ Stevia is also a natural sweetener that comes from a plant. All sugars can cause inflammation within the body, which can lead to many different health issues. It is important to have protein to counter sugar in the diet, since it is impossible to avoid it all, since starch (pasta, corn, rice, potatoes) and fruits, (fructose) are also full of different forms of sugar, too! It's one of the reasons I take Flax seed oil. It helps with inflammation. :)

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GREAT ARTICLE. I'd already determined that fruit would make me worse. I also feel that I'm over constricted in my veins and doing things to vasodilate seems to be helping me. I was diagnosised with insulin resistance over 20 years ago and really have to watch what I eat and drink. I too have issues with dairy and all grains. I seem to be able to do potatoes just fine - but any grain will mess me up. I try to do glutten free, grain free, dairy free and sugar free. I too use stevia - as it isn't a sugar at all and tricks the body into thinking it's sweet. It's not. There are some stevias that taste better than others.

Thanks for all the great articles you post. This seems very relevant for many of us.


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So much for eating our fruit and vegetables as they are good for us!!

Issie re the constricted vains and feeling you need to be vasodilated, I am the same, I am sure my whole high BP comes from over twitchy blood vessels that spasm and try to constrict when they stretch too much (due to the collagen defect), I seem better when more dilated.

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It makes me feel better to hear you say that. To me that makes no sense what-so-ever. You'd think with our lax collagen our blood vessels would be too lax and need to be constricted. But, I feel just the opposite. When I did things to constrict veins, I got a whole lot worse. I've even figured out that too much compression from hose is not good for me. It also will rise my blood pressure even higher. This seems like a paradox to me. But, seems to be how my experiments are taking me. What have you found?


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In a sense it shows how forward thinking Dr. Atkins was in his 'diet revolution' - the first two weeks called "induction" where carbs are limited to near 'none' at all.... The body then shifts its present way of doing things to a whole new way - using fat for fuel.... It kinda makes you go "duh!" Gimme five Dr. Atkins - as you smile on us down here :-)

I was on a med in my late 40's that's known to cause diabetes - the doc gave me Metformin to try and make sure I wasn't harmed. In the end I quit the med. But my hbA1c's have forever since hovered from 5.8 to 6.0 Once recently it came back 6.4 and I was terrified.... I have crazy high and labile b/p to boot. Perfect set up for bad things happening.

So I did the induction phase of Atkins - after the proverbial "Atkins Flu" where you feel lousy detoxing I guess - I then felt much better - and less anxious too. Then in spite of my EDS issues and joint replacement issues I was told to exercise daily for at least 15min.... It increases pain for sure - but the thought of thick sticky sweet blood going through my kidneys doing damage makes the pain bearable... Maybe the pre diabetes caused my small fiber neuropathy...

So how this fits - is a marvel and I'll leave it to you smarties.. EDS, GTT that showed no elevation of glucose levels 2 hours after drinking the 'stuff', borderline diabetic type labs - crazy high b/p that will drop to nothin' in a heartbeat, orthostatic intolerance - the pooling to beat the band only through anectdotal evidence and testing that shows small fiber neuropathy...Flushing like crazy - April 1 will be fully menopausal.

But I almost fear carbohydrates now - I'll have the healthy ones in vegetables - and the sweetest I'll do is berries as Doc Atkins said they were good... Rarely delight in a few pieces of toast as a binge... But from now on I'm a low carb 'lifestyle' girl - which consequently means low gluten by accident... One big confession is I wish I'd never met 'sugar-free' chocolate products at my grocery store - from Hershey's to Russel Stover and Whitmans - gummie bears, jordan almonds - it all comes in sugar free - peppermint patties, reese's cups - anyway they satisfy the sugar craving by using sugar alcohols that have nearly no effect on blood glucose levels... So they have little to zero net carbs - And if any of you are on opiods for chronic pain - well a 1/4 pound of sugar free gummi bears is a mighty tasty laxative lol....no more need for Milk of Mag... I'm trying to break this habit of these fake sweets - I wish I'd never tried them as they seem to be a 'trigger' food now...

My blood pressure is improving on this diet - meaning the highs are more frequently visited by lows - I try not to mind the lows as I know titrating downward from three anti-hypertensives is going to be tricky ... the first thing I do is ditch the dyazide - and if I'm too high I add it.... I titrate clonidine and propranolol (inderal) -- as needed per my doctors orders...

Have you guys read Dr. Diana's pretty ill stuff on her blog and the videos on utube? She's all about this edgy type thing - & figuring things out with us EDS'ers and POTsies... she talks about mast cell things and undetected hydrocephalus as infants - all kinds of things - and rather than 'eye-rolling' she's getting noteworthy! She's an optometrist of all things!

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Issie, I found I have done better since being on Calcium Channel Blockers, but I know they are not tolerated well by many folk much like BB's but so far I find they help.

My take on the lax blood vessels is that we do need them lax but our body gets confused signals as our blood flow is somewhat turbulent. Imagine that parts of our long length of blood vessels are nice and acting normal but then you get to a part that has ballooned out loads; think of it like you are traveling along a 3 lane road that suddenly goes into a 5 lane road then back to a 3 lane road your nice constant flow is disturbed. My guess that when this happens your body does every thing it can to improve blood flow and that is when we have problems!

Nowwhat, do you think the small fibre neuropathy symptoms might be due to EDS, my children reduced feeling in hands and feet, the other day I had to pull my one lad away from the radiator that he had lent against as he could not feel how hot it was! I too have numbness and lack of sensation in patches all over from head to toe!

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