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Can You Yell?


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I haven't experienced this but it is probably due to the fact hat the amount of force you are using to breathe out can affect your HR ad BP. I don't know if Dr K did this test with you, but he has one test where you breathe into a tube and you have to exert a certain amount of pressure for a certain amount of time while your BP and HR are monitored. I believe that it is linked to vasovagal response.

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I have the same problem, although some days just talking in a normal voice will give me the same feeling. Also have a similar response whenever I have to do the "breathe deep" thing when they listen to my lungs. Always have to lie down after that one as I get so light headed.

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Happens to me, there have been several times where I actually fainted . I can not argue or get in a heated discussion without at least the feeling that I am going to pass out. I have passed out while scolding my kids, very scary for them :(

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Hi Julie,

Yes, my tests were normal too although during the test I got that really "drunk" feeling that I get with POTS. Now, that I think about it, I said I don't get this symptom but I think I really don't know because I don;t think I have really had cause to raise my voice for anything since I had to stop teaching horse back riding lessons last year.

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I'm generally considered to be a very quiet, docile person, so this doesn't affect me often. I'm very slow to anger.

When I do start to raise my voice, I do notice the dizziness increasing. I think it's definitely related to the breathing (increased pressure) needed to produce a louder voice that is the trigger. I've never passed out from raising my voice, but I don't feel well afterwards.

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