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Well Halcion did NOT work, not even slightly!!!

I couldn't believe it, the Dental office couldn't believe it. The highest dose the dentist gave me the maximum dose he is allowed to prescribe and naughta, nothing.

8 Ampules of numbing agents, again maximum allowed, and he barely got through 2 root canals.

He is writing up his findings to support everyone else that I need to see a sub-specialty Neurologist to deal with Neuralgia pertaining to some part of this disease.

Did first 2 on Tuesday, went back Thursday for the other 2.

Valium for the ones yesterday, 35 mg, and I was barely relaxed. He did one shot of epinephrine based numbing and I went tachy, so he went back to the other stuff.

He was pretty surprised to find the insides of the teeth to be extremely inflamed. He thinks the nerve problem was actually negatively impacting my teeth.

Yet another possible part to this body wide problem we all face.

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