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Beta Blockers And Depression?


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I started a beta blocker (metaprolol) about 5 weeks ago. Within 24 hours I felt relief from the tachycardia and my heart rate is now at normal levels. I thought it was a miracle drug of sorts. But since then I have been gaining weight at a rapid pace and recently I've been experiencing intense depression. I have struggled with weight and depression before; that is nothing new. But my husband has pointed out that things seem to be much worse since starting metaprolol. Does anyone else have a similar experience?



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I have a history of depression (as part of bipolar disorder), so the cardiologist wouldn't put me on a beta blocker to start with (so we went with a calcium channel blocker). Not 100% sure if beta blockers potentiate already potential depression or cause completely new depression, but it's worth talking with your doc and trying a different med.

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Yes! I had the same thing happen to me! Cardiologist put me on Bystolic. The first month it was amazing because my HR went from the 130s down to the 80s, but after a month on Bystolic, I felt no motivation, apathy, sort of like I just wanted to curl up and go away. It was not the same as depression, but it was crazy bad. My PCP took me off of the beta blocker and that feeling went away. Unfortunately, the palpitations are back and BAD.

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