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Dr Novak - Umass

Guest maia

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well, i just had autonomic testing with dr novak. before i left the testing room i had a dx of autonomic neuropathy, a handicap placard app approved, and he said he would try to get me in for an office visit in the next few days. i was rather impressed. he did not however give me any detailed info during the testing-he was quite pre occupied with the instruments-but was willing to answer a couple basic questions, ordered some labs, and suggested a med he would like to try me on. overall i was impressed and found him to be a very pleasant-although preoccupied- man. his assistant was very pleasant but would offer no info other than what he was doing. the whole thing seemed rushed but i was there for 2 hours. they did let me rest as needed between tests, and let me down from the table when i told them i couldnt take it anymore. one thing to note is that during the vasovgal or baroreflex(cant remember what exactly its called) breathing test, i apparently failed instantly, lol... blowing, blowing, blowing... and as soon as i started to feel dizzy, swimmy head, chest tightness, tachy, etc.. he asked me if i was dizzy... so apparently that result shows up instantly.

results from what i saw of numbers... hr rose, as hr rose, bp fell, failed breathing aspect, asst would give absolutely no info about sweat test, and i was told i didnt need the biopsy now but it might be a good idea at another time (not sure if that was due to time constraints)

also, someone-i forget who, apologies-mentioned he was a different person in the lab and office.. im wondering of peoples opinions about him and his practice.

he also suggested a doctor in boston as the best around for pots-forget his name also. ill post when i get it again.

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Hi Maia,

So happy everything went as well as expected and you got some answers. Sounds like Dr. Novak will have you moving hopefullly in the right direction. I am curious to know what medication he would like to try. I am also anxious to hear what treatment plan he will recommend for you. Keep us posted :)

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Glad things went well for you...or that you "failed" in their presence :) I hope he is able to help you figure out a good treatment plan. Yes, lab rat he is. He loves his lab and all his equipment. Outside of the lab I found him just as pleasant but not distracted by his toys. I'm also curious what med he started you on...

I hope your appt later this week goes well

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Thank you, thank you, all. i forget the name of the med but it began with an 'M' and it is something to activate the nerves... id remember if i hear it, so feel free to toss out names... Im a little gun shy of drugs though so im going to ask him to follow me or a trial of ALA first to see how that works... that is, if he still is of the same opinion after going through all the results when i see him again...

if anyone is wondering, i recommend him-at least for this bit, and ive worked with md's for 20+ years and dont recommend many.

fyi.. he did say right out that POTS can be caused by bacteria and viruses also so if someones POTS isnt a dysautonomic issue, he cant help beyond testing to confirm a dx.

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Was it Roy Freedman at the BI?

BellaMia ~

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  • 2 months later...

I see Dr. Novak.

I've seen another local group but had a bad experience. They are quite misinformed about some aspects of dysautonomia and DEFINITELY KNOW NOTHING about chronic fatigue syndrome. The guy I saw had the arrogance to tell me one thing to my face and then write something completely differently in my notes - when I got the notes and showed them to my pcp she about lost her mind. He had the balls to say that I did not have dysautonomia - despite extensive previous testing - and this was also before he did his own testing. Once he did his own testing he said I did have it...but then the fellow I saw told me I just needed to start running. I explained that I had cfs - IMMUNE DYSFUNCTION - and that I had lots of abnormal immune function issues (as tested by a well-known cfs doctor) and that exercise was proven to make things worse. According to him - ha! I just need to run. The dr also told me to stop taking mestinon, which novak prescribed and really has been the only thing I can a) tolerate and B) that has helped.

Novak is pretty good - just a head's up that his office is notorious for not responding. So if you need things in between appointments it can be trying. Just try to get things done @ the appointment.

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