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Tachycardia After Eating


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Hi Lindsey

I think it is related to blood pooling in the stomach....as it was explained to me when we eat the body expends alot of energy to digest the food therefore alot of the blood volume is taken up in that process which can cause a drop in BP and a rise in HR. My specialist just recommended eating more smaller meals throught the day rather than 3 large ones so less energy and pooling would happen. I do actually find it makes a difference. Also, I have found staying away from eating a lot of carbs help as I think it uses more energy to break them down and they are high on the glycemic index which can affect your blood sugar levels. Hope this is helpful!


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Yes, my HR will often jump 30-50 BPM after a particularly large meal. If I eat too much, I am asleep within an hour.

I try to just munch throughout the day, though I am losing weight (not a good thing for me) again, so need to up the munchies!

I have cut out all gluten and most other non-gluten high-card stuff for the past few years. Don't know how much it has helped.

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yup, tachycardia and exaustion to tht point of forced sleeping. i cant eat during the day and have lost 20 pounds in the last 2 years. not good considering i started out at 115... ive managed to gain 5 back but its a struggle.

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Me too Maia, I have lost loads of weight - but then I packed on loads for no reason too a year or so ago - so much so that I went from a size 8uk to size 14/16uk. Am tending not to eat in the day. I seem to be ok to eat after 5/6pm then have a light meal in the evening on top of my dinner- just can't seem to face food in the day.

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i lost nearly 28lbs in the run up to my diagnosis...over about 11months. Symptoms were so bad and POTS uncontrolled that everytime I tried to eat a normal size meal i became v symptomatic. When my BP drops I start wretching severely. Never faint thou and hanging over the toilet bowl seems to do a great job of gettin my BP bak up!!

Now my symptoms are better controlled with medication this doesnt happen as often but defo if I eat a large carb meal...pasta, rice potatoes. Or just large portions in general, i have noticed i become more symptomatic.

Never thought of it like ye have discussed above i.e energy usage digesting a large meal and blood pooling. Makes alot of sense. Ill havto give the grazing a go and see will it help with symtoms!

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I eat about 1/4 to a 1/2 cup of food-whatever every 1-2 hours. Sometimes more depending on how full I am feeling at the time.

Once in a while I get this spasm that goes all the way through my digestive system, makes me feel like I'll drop.

Usually carbs do that to me.

I made the connection that food was triggering my symptoms and basically avoided it.

Bad idea.

I'm still paying for that.

I'm kind of stuck anywhere between 90-93 pounds.

I get up to 92-93 and so far when I get there I strangely instead of feeling stronger feel sick and end up gravitating down again. It's a sick all over bad feeling like something isn't right. I don't do it on purpose but what happens next is

I slowly go back to 90-91.

My goal is 100 pounds.

I'm just gonna keep on eating.

I try to limit activity so I'm not burning up all my calories.

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Wow, im so sorry you all have this same issue eating but i am so happy im not the only skinny minny potsie out there! i cant tell you what a releif that is. My doc will be hearing about this in a couple days. he thinks its all in my head even though ive told him that blood pooling in the abdomen is part of pots... ive also heard that slower bowel motility is part of it also, and carb intolerance for some reason. I had the bowel motility isses before taking steroids, and oddly it seems like for me anyway that might be a natural compensatory thing b/c when everything is moving regularly my tachycardia is worse than when they dont move so regularly. weird...

Have any of you found fattening foods that you can eat and not have tachy or exhausting reactions? Id love to put up a list somewhere of foods that generally dont bother us to try and help us all and save some struggles for everyone else.

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