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My Left Leg Swelling And Hurts

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Don't you hate it when the weekend starts and symptoms start????? My left leg is swelling and hurts bad. Both legs have swollen and could be my CCB. I saw my PC last week and she thought maybe my fish oil that I take in place of a statin due to my muscle wasting caught from Lipitor years ago. I saw the cardio the next day and said I read that fish oil is nature's natural statin and could it be cause muscle damage. He said no, I was worried as my sed rate is 53 . I will call the doctor if the leg is worse in the morning. Just wondered if anyone ever gets one leg (left) this is my weak side of the body, that swells and hurts???? I know the answer, call the doctor. I'll elevate it and the fluid will go to my belly. Also, if it is my CCB like it was a few weeks ago, when I stop that I get chest pain with exertion so I had to go back on. Grrrrr. I'm feeling really Ouchy ~

Bellamia ~ ; O"

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Today I can barely walk, I will go to the the hospital in the morning. I have had Achilles tendonitis for months

I have had damage from levequin, lipitor they made me look like I had run a Marathon years ago.

If you go to the bottom they talk about Mitochondrial Damage. Very interesting and while you

may not know you have a problem, these meds may trigger a dormant problem. I'm seeing a link here.

Will have to forward this info to my mito neuro.

Bellamia ~

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Ty corina ~

I'll be in good hands tomorrow. It's real ouchy today though. I'm going to have to ask my dog to get off the wedge and let me put me legs back up now. :rolleyes: Come on Boy, come lay beside me. ;3p woof ~ Go fetch me some food ~ lol ~

Bellamia ~

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Why Ty corina ~

I try my very best to keep the spirits up over here, otherwise the dog would be board silly ~

I'll be ready to catch those healing thoughts in my catcher mitt. I've never missed one sent my way ~

thanks again and have a lovely evening ~

Bellamia ~


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Guest tearose

Have you tried wearing some compression?

I suppose you ruled out a bite of some kind already...

I hope you don't have lymphedema.

As you said, if it doesn't resolve, go to the doctor.

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So sorry!! Hope you get it figured out. Leg swelling is the worst. Mine is in good control right now but I'm having prego flashbacks right now. High fashion compression hose was my first thought too! I have a love/hate relationship with those for sure!! I'll be thinking of you! Keep us posted!


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