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Entertaining Myself With My Symptoms


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So, to start off, today I have had palpitations ALL day. I usually don't get this many and they've been really annoying. I told my family and friends that were over about it and they were all like "oh yeah, I get those too." And my first thought was "really? You get 500 palpitations in a day??". So this isn't really nice, but I kind of wanted them to see what it was like to have POTS. So I started yelling "PALP" every time I had a palpitation. The first couple of times I think they were all just startled. After about 20 minutes of yelling PALP every time I had a palpitation, they were starting to get seriously concerned though! I had to remind them that it is not really abnormal for me to get palpitations and that it was okay. and I quit yelling PALP. lol. I don't know if I really have a point to this story, but I think every once in a while you just want your symptoms to be visible and for people to get an idea of what a normal day looks like for you. I usually don't tell people about my symptoms because they usually act like it's just normal stuff that everyone deals with or like I'm just trying to get attention, tonight for some reason, I just wanted them to kind of understand what life with POTS is like.

I also figured you all would get a kick out of hearing about me yelling "PALP" at everyone ;) We POTSies can make our own fun sometimes :)

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I am giggling at your scenario. I had my own little thing last night at a barbecue. It was really hot and it started getting to me, and I got nauseated and dizzy. So I made myself a little ice bag and kept moving it to my neck, wrists and arms. I get getting asked if I had an injury or something. Ah, if only it were that easy!!!

It did spark some funny conversations about how our elderly relatives used to keep cool by putting their feet in buckets of water, hiding in the basement and other funny stuff. In the meantime, I actually cooled off nicely :) Hope your palps are at a comfy minimum today.

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Thanks! I'm planning to go to my cardio tomorrow for them.

I agree with you, it would be a lot easier if all we had wrong with us was a minor injury! Lol, I still try to keep cool by putting my feet in cold water ;) I actually just found this thing online the other day called "frog togs" that I'm planning to get. They're kind of like sham-wows but are towels that you get wet and they stay cold for hours without getting you wet. It sounds cool to me! :)

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  • 1 month later...

LOVE what you did and wish our Holter monitors would talk like a GPS system does. No one takes us serious, even the neuro's don't all get it ~ When I'm funny, everyone looks at me in my family and gets so embarrassed. My friends think I'm very funny ~

So keep chirping potsyturvy.....I think your on to something good ~ Love, love, love, your idea and it put a really big smile on my face as I read it ~

Thanks for posting ~

BellaMia ~

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  • 1 month later...

I loved your story. I wish people understood this problem more too. I live at my parents home (I'm 22 and after a couple horrible years at college I had to move back home to get real treatment and diagnosis -got my degree though so that's a plus!) and my Dad is notorious for underestimating what it's like. His advice is always the same... you should go for a run (I used to run before I got sick) or "well, if you had a job you'd have to be up and moving so why don't you get something done. My Mom tries but doesn't really get it either. I wish I had your positivity all the time!

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Thanks Kate2011! Our stories sound pretty similar! I'm 22 also. I went to college in another state for a while, but had to move back home for my senior year. Luckily I graduated, but it was really tough. I'm sorry you're parents aren't very supportive. It is so hard for people to understand what we go through on a daily basis!

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