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Another "newbie"

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Hi, I am "new" here. Actually, I have vigorously been reading this site/forum since I was diagnosed with POTS in February after 8 years of illness. I have gained so much information here and am trying to sort out the best plan for me.

I have been receiving IV saline for about 8 weeks and had a port put in last week because they could never get my line in without multiple sticks. I have a couple of questions for those of you that get iv saline:

1. How much do you get at one time (in liters)?

2. What rate do they drip it at (how many hours)?

3. Where do you receive your treatment?

I really appreciate all of the knowledge that all of you possess!

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Thanks for the warm welcome.

lgail - I was referred to the hematologist for habitual low white blood cell count. I was explaining my POTS to the doc, and he didn't look at me like I was crazy. So, I asked him if he'd be willing to give me some iv saline. He agreed, but admitted he's a POTS novice and doesn't really know the amount, rate, etc.

Rachel - Can you tell me what type of saline you are receiving? Right now I am just getting saline with sodium. But, when I got my port I was quizzing the RN who prepped me and she said the pre-surgery saline has all of the electrolytes in it (more like a Gatorade mixture). When I went for my last iv, I asked the nurse if they were able to add other stuff in, and she said they could add anything (potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc.) that the doc orders. I go to see him next Tuesday, and was hoping to tell him the best mixture for Potsies. Thanks so much!

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