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hi enko,

i'm on seroxat since a couple of years now. started it because my body was overreacting which made me feel quite embarrased. i.e. when my wheelchair was pushed over a very small stone my arms and/or legs flew up as if i was launched out of it, which of course wasn't the case :)

i started at 10mg building up to 30 mg per day. i have to say it really helped me a lot as on top of all the (other) pots things i hated feeling so embarrased.

corina :)

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thank you very much for your reply! Did you have any side effects when starting to use it? How long did it take for you for the med to start working? I've been told that I might feel strange for first few days, and that I may not use it for longer than 2 months because of possible addiction (???). Do you maybe have some insights how could it effect testing for allergies?

Since I'm looking for second neuro opinion, I'll wait with taking the med till 31st.. I'm totally confused with my life and this is a long period to wait for me..

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hi enko,

actually i can't really remember how i felt like when starting seroxat (bad memory is one of my mayor symptoms and really can't get rid of it :) ) but i do know that i gradually upped to 30 which was when my body stopped overreacting. in an attempt of trying to manage with less meds last year i tried to cut down, which went very well until the last 10 mg's. it seems my body really couldn;t do without the 10mg (couldn't leave my bed, extremely dizzy as soon as i tried to get up). now whether it's because i need it to keep bp up or my body is addicted to it is the question. actually i think it's the bp thing as i came down from 30 to 10mg very easily. as i didn't have a bp monitor at that time i can't say that for sure though.

i've been on seroxat for years and my doc (gp) told me that the 10mg's won't harm me (he might have said that knowing that i'd be much worse without it, so that goes just for me), so i can stay on them.

i don't know how it will relate to allergy testing but you could ask your pharmacy about that. do talk to your neuro and hopefully he'll be able to tell you more and reassure you. you have to keep in mind that increasing or decreasing this med needs doctors guidance!

take care,

corina :)

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it can be depressing i agree enko, but i developped a very well working system where i write down weekly menues (as i often can't remember what to do with the groceries that are in the fridge), make lists of things (mostly books or dvd's) that are leant by friends and use a family diary so that i know who's where and when. i also write down when i need to see my doc or when to get my meds (and which ones) at the pharmacy, that helps a LOT! when my son was younger and needed to practice the schoolplay he invited his buddies to come practice at ours cause "ït's okay for my mom to watch as she def won't remember". although there were some really NOT funny moments (like when i forgot where i'd hidden my sons birthday present) we usually make fun of my bad memory, it helps me/my family get through!

take care,

corina :)

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oh I always make the lists, that was in my nature even before my memory went bad.. But there are some things I can't help - for example, I went to the cash machine to pick up some money yesterday and I've forgotten to take the money that machine gave me, I've took just my card :( That hurts, I feel really stupid.. :(

If you don't mind me asking - what did med exactly help you with? I mean - I have palps, I'm underweight, often headaches, low BP.. but you know the list :(

Thank you for so kind responses :wub:

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Are your systems just done in a notebook or did you purchase a system - if so, what brand?

Memory is one of my worst issues and it can be especially hard as you are fine then stand for a minute or two and have no idea what you thinking or doing.

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reen, i've tried to work on my netbook but couldn't remember what i had where. i forget what i don't see. so i'm using pen and paper. what works best for me is our family diary (has lots of space to write down my daily to do list). next to that i use a large book that i divided in sections where i keep lists of books/dvd's that are leant etc. i can't use a personal diary as i get mixed up to where i've written what. i often write in my hand a word or the letter of a word to remember what to buy or write down in the family diary.

i've had trouble remembering how to use my wheelchair and put stickers with small pics where needed, which helped a LOT.

in my opinion there must be a connection with the pots though my ans doc (here in the netherlands) isn't convinced. i think he just doesn't know (yet).

hope this helped, take care,

corina :)

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how about handling physical stress (jogging or something)? I'd like to get back in shape (at least in some sort of) but it's hard because my heart goes wild and I start gasping for air :( Sorry for bugging you :rolleyes:

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don't worry enko, we're here to help eachother so don't hesitate to ask any questions!

though i am doing much better than before, thanks to octreotide, i'm not ready to do things like jogging! i'm exercizing at a rehab center since a few months now, trying to build up strength and stamina. as my hr goes up too much i'm still on a (small dose) bb which works fine for me. i hope to be able to do jogging in the future but if not that's fine with me too! my quality of life has improved so much i'm very happy with what i've already gained!!!

if i were you i'd talk to my doc and see if a (low dose) bb could be of help when trying to exercise.

good luck,

corina :)

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