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Coconut Water?

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Have any of you tried this instead of Gatorade?

I can no longer do Gatorade due to my corn allergy although I never noticed a problem while drinking Gatorade.

Just my random episodes...

Anyway I guess coconut water is great for electrolyte replacement.

Anybody try this?

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Thank you for bringing this up. I have been looking for a good potassium source other than bananas. I had no idea! So I will try this as well. BTW, there is an electrolyte drink called Recharge that I get from the health food store. It does not contain corn and I tolerate it. Have you seen that one?

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no I have not...

I am looking for things myself to eat ...and drink and came across this.

I'm going to try the naked brand coconut water.

Any other corn free ideas songcanary send them my way...

I am looking for a vitamin C...

I had a huge reaction the last time I drank orange juice...so I'm scared off of oranges and citrus anything...reacted to lemon juice that was in a juice in the form of a preservative and don't seem to tolerate juice concentrates at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love coconut water.

I haven't had any lately but I do know that during WWII it was used for dehydrated, wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Based on this, I would imagine it to be an excellent substitute for gatorade.

Personally, I have been substituting Trader Joe's Electrolyte Enhanced Water for my gatorade. Basically, TJ's brand of smartWater. Probably not as good as C-Water but definitely yummy!

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I LOVE Coconut Water!! I started to gain weight with all of the Gatorade I was drinking and I did not want sugar substitutes so I happened onto this. It is really hydrating, full of nutrition and it tastes pleasant. Sometimes I mix it with other juices as well.

No wonder it can be used for Blood Plasma in an emergency....LOTS of good vitamins etc.

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