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White Mold


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We found a huge mold problem in our house early last year. We spent a lot of money getting it cleaned up and even hired a mold forensics company to do air sampling, checking what types of mold there was and let us know when our air was clean enough to move back home. During this clean-up, we moved in with my folks (thanks Mom and Dad!) and I had an increase in energy after about 2 weeks of living with them. I think that it didn't matter so much the type of mold (we had everything, the really bad stuff even), but anything that makes your immune system work harder will affect us more than normal folks. You could pay for air sampling by a mold forensics company who would compare the air in your house to the air outside. There results could let you know if you even need to do anything about the mold.

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My doctor thought the reason I was so sensitive to it was due to allergy. When I was allergy tested though I did not show a mold allergy. All I can wonder is how much worse I would have been if I had been allergic.

In the end I couldn't even walk in the house without my throat feeling as if it was closing up on me.

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