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More Episodes!!! Why?!?


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Hi everyone.....hoping someone can help me figure this out!!!

I'm in South Florida and the weather has turned hot here recently. Ever since yesterday a.m. I'm getting this sudden feeling of heat along with all the POTS symptoms, heart feeling funny, feeling like I'm gonna pass out, extreme thirst and I feel just extremely hot! It's awful! I also get sudden stomach upset. Yesterday it happened at a garage sale, then later in my garage (where it was hot), and again this morning in my closet as I was searching for clothes. I was kind of active all three times, digging looking for things, etc. and getting my heart rate up. I have been doing really well. What gives with these sudden feelings of heat??????

I'm scared half to death because this is what happened to me for a month or so before a major sequence of hospitalizations and ER visits along with being bedridden for a while. PLEASE someone help me out!

Is this a mast cell thing or a POTS thing??? And why is it happening all of a sudden?!? Even sitting here I'm all shaky and extremely warm feeling recovering from this episode.

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So sorry this is happening to you. Are you taking any meds for your documented MCAD? At a minimum, you should be on a daily H-1, H-2, ( possibly a singulair & a mast cell stabilizer) WITH a stronger H-1 at night. Your symptoms are suggestive of anaphylaxis.

Sorry :(


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Julie.....does this really sound like MCAD to you? All I know is I get sudden heat all of a sudden like I'm gonna pass out. Crazy. I have cheated on the diet a little lately. I only take claritin right now. I just got the prostaglandin test done and I was seriously cheating on it (by eating tomatoes & chocolate almond milk) so if I was sick with this it would hopefully show up. I haven't gotten any more meds yet. And I think the daily aspirin I take isn't helping.


So sorry this is happening to you. Are you taking any meds for your documented MCAD? At a minimum, you should be on a daily H-1, H-2, ( possibly a singulair & a mast cell stabilizer) WITH a stronger H-1 at night. Your symptoms are suggestive of anaphylaxis.

Sorry :(


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YES! You have documented laboratory proof (elevated methylhistamine) of MCAD and you are not being treated appropriately. You need to add an H-2 (ranitidine) in the AM with your claritin and begin taking a stronger H-1 at night, (you could start with benadryl) EVERY day. It would be best to add a prescription strength H-1 at night, like atarax or doxepin (instead of benadryl) and get an epi-pen. The aspirin is debatable. IF you have a history of not reacting to it, it could be helpful in keeping the prostaglandins down. I feel better with 81mg a day.

When these attacks occur, take a benadryl and see what happens. Go to www.tmsforacure.org to learn more. Click on mastocytosis and learn all about MCAD & other mast cell disorders.

Your histamine intolerance diet is great, but clearly not enough. So sorry, Jared. I know how scary & out of control this is.



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