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Increasing Exercise When You Can't Breathe


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For those of you who can tolerate some exercise, have you had any success increasing your level of exercise (in duration/intensity) in spite of breathing problems?

Breathing has become one of my biggest problems, particularly during exercise. Usually this happen while my HR is within acceptable limits set by my exercise physiologist. I am so frustrated as I want to be able to increase my exercise but I can't do it while I find myself gasping for air. I feel like I have been stuck doing the same exercises for the past 12 months without much improvement.

Has anyone had a similar experience and been able to push through? Has pushing through made you feel better or worse in the long term?

I would love to know whether those who have had some success with Dr Levine's exercise protocol have had breathing issues.

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Hi: I have the same frustration with exercise and breathing. Sometimes I get on and off the treadmill and do short walks several times over the course of the day. Usually, though, I work up gradually to my target and just try to push through it. I adjust the speed down if I'm having trouble breathing. Sometimes this works; other times no. Actually, I have the added problem of needing to exercise because almost my whole spine has been fused; if I don't walk I get frozen. Guess my advice is to try pushing through and adjusting speed up and down. Maybe the target heart rate isn't as important as just walking, even if it's slower than you want. Hope this helps.


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Hi, I am having success with Dr. Levine's protocol! I will say that what I have eaten and when I have eaten effects how hard or easy my sessions are. It also depends on my Atlas (first bone in neck) if it is mild, moderate or severe as far as being out of alignment ( i see an atlas orthogonal chiro). If it is severe my breathing is much harder and I don't feel like I'm getting enough oxygen and my head feels like it's going to explode. Or like yesterday, I was adjusted on Friday and my breathing was really smoothe and easy during my long cardio session. Also, it seems when my heartrate gets above 165 I can also have a tad more trouble.

Are you exercising sitting down? All of these things would be magnified and I would more than likely be unsuccessful if I were walking upright on a treadmill or doing eliptical. That makes a huge difference in being able to keep your heart from having to work so hard and in turn causing you shortness of breath and breathing problems.

I can't stress enough that if I had not of gotten the gluten/grains out of my diet I would not be as successful with exercise. If my atlas was constantly torqued to the left and causing my muscles from my neck to my mid thoracic to spasm, I would not be as successful with the exercise. They all play in together and each one affects the other.

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I also do better without gluten (wish I knew why!), and can only swim for exercise. I did have lots of breathing problems but they have improved since I gradually increased from 2 to 20 minutes a day of gentle swimming. I wouldn't be able to even do that without the MCAD meds, though.

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Per Dr. Grubb's nurse practioner, POTS has a very strong autoimmune component. Gluten/Grains are inflamatory in nature and most people are "allergic" even if the test's don't reveal it. They have been encouraging removing gluten and dairy since these are two of the main food allergens/intolerances.

I have been off of them for 4 months and I no longer have seasonal of pet allergies. I had previously had both allergies for well over 10 years. I have breezed through the blooming this spring with not the first sniffle!!

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Thanks everyone for your advice.

Very interesting regarding the gluten/grains as I have come up negative to these in food intolerance tests.

Ashleton80, I do short walks outdoors for exercise although in extremes of heat or humidity I use a treadmill. I have been following what people have been saying about recumbent exercise and am thinking of buying a recumbent bike or rower machine. When I've used a rower at the gym, I've always noticed my heart rate has been lower than when I walk. Good of you for being able to exercise at the 160 zone! I struggle when my heart rate gets over 120 these days. I get really out of breath. People tell me it's my fitness but I just can't seem to push through that range without feeling like my heart is going to pop out of my chest and I am going to strangle for lack of air. The highest exercise HR I've been able to tolerate since having POTS is in the 140 zone in a temperate rainforest where I felt fantastic because there was so much oxygen. I often think if I could live in a rainforest I would be much better off.

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Thanks so much for that info. I haven't tried avoiding dairy yet (I'll miss cheese!). I have never had any kind of allergies (except perhaps to myself?) so it has taken me a while to figure this element out. I live in a mining town in Northern Canada - not too many alternative medecine types up here.

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I was negative to all the test results as well, but I had remembered years ago that I removed them to try and lose weight and I felt great!! So, I just removed them again and eat only real unprocessed food and it has made a huge impact on my symptoms and overall energy.

I have only been in the 160's a couple of times while biking and it definitely is not comfortable. I like to keep it around 140's. That's where I feel like I'm getting a good workout, but not killing myself. I do know that now that I am almost a month into the protocol I can tell I am becoming more conditioned as it's taking my heart longer to increase and I am recovering my heartrates when finished much much quicker. So to keep improving and not plateau I'm sure I will have to pump it up a bit :)

It has been so rewarding to be able to exercise and see muscles again!! I had always heard exercising helps, but honestly I never thought it would help this much. Try sitting for a while and see how you do and if you improve. Good luck!!

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