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Anyone Have Super Annoying Skin?


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Hello again folks. I don't know why I have so many questions lately. I suppose it's because my mind is functioning well enough to form them :) Yay for that!

I'm trying to decide what to do about this weird skin thing. It has just become so easily breakable in the past year, it's getting RIDICULOUS. And it bothers me.

For example, I've never had trouble with bandaids before, but now... holy cow. Every time I wear one, no matter what kind it is, it rips off a layer of skin and scars me!! I thought maybe it was the adhesive... but I've noticed in in other areas too! Like I've been getting bruises from just shaving normally, and I will just randomly find myself bleeding without a known cause...

It's frustrating me. People are starting to be suspicious that I am hurting myself.

Is there anybody out there who can help?

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Not all people with EDS dislocate and not all people with EDS have stretchy skin. Just clearing up some of the myths. I don't even bother with bandaids anymore; I just hold something over the cut until the bleeding stops and then go about my business. Try taking 1000 mg of Vitamin C (assuming nothing you're taking would interact) and see how that does you. When I started supplementing I noticed I got fewer bleeds and quicker healing.

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Really? I thought a central part of EDS was dislocation.

The band aid problem stems from weekly IVs and blood test and stuff like that!They put their sensitive bandages on, but the tape for the IVs and the bruising from the poke, and the bandage after...

needless to say, I look like a drug addict.

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Do any of you with EDS have issues where you DO NOT make calluses?

The bottoms of my feet have always been so soft, even as a teenager going barefoot with karate. I would never be able to grow calluses, the skin was so soft it would rip and tear off my toes. Even now with blisters from burns or wear, they don't callus over, they stay soft and the skin just tears.

I have been told by my PT that I probably do have some sort of connective tissue disorder because of "freakish" flexibility. I don't have stretchy skin or dislocations either, but I am very bendy.

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Hmm... I don't really know! Back when I was dancing 20-30 hours a week, I worked really, really hard to develop calluses on my feet so I could dance barefoot. Nowadays, I'd just rub the skin right off, I think. I think that because the back of my heels where my shoes rub just comes off and bleeds.

What do you do about the bandaid problems then? use some sort of gauze wrap I suppose?

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Hmm... I don't really know! Back when I was dancing 20-30 hours a week, I worked really, really hard to develop calluses on my feet so I could dance barefoot. Nowadays, I'd just rub the skin right off, I think. I think that because the back of my heels where my shoes rub just comes off and bleeds.

What do you do about the bandaid problems then? use some sort of gauze wrap I suppose?

I use superglue! The adhesive in bandages and tape causes me to have an allergic reaction, or maybe it just tears off the top layers and it looks that way. I hate bandaids! I had to have stitches and they put a bandage over it that I was not supposed to remove for several days. It ended up looking like orange peel under it, so they had to take it off.

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Do any of you with EDS have issues where you DO NOT make calluses?

The bottoms of my feet have always been so soft, even as a teenager going barefoot with karate. I would never be able to grow calluses, the skin was so soft it would rip and tear off my toes. Even now with blisters from burns or wear, they don't callus over, they stay soft and the skin just tears.

I have been told by my PT that I probably do have some sort of connective tissue disorder because of "freakish" flexibility. I don't have stretchy skin or dislocations either, but I am very bendy.

Yes, I get this. The skin on my feet is very soft and tears easily if I get a blister. Very annoying in summer because if I wear shoes without socks, I end up with cuts everywhere and there is no such thing as "getting used to" a pair of shoes.

I've been told I have EDS3 plus signs of another connective tissue disorder (Marfans/not sure what!) I think it is just unfortunate genetics since my father has EDS and my mother is hypermobile and has poor quality connective tissue too.

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