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Orthostatic And Near Torture....please Help


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Mercy!!!! I have been very orthostatic the past week or so and it isn't torture but it's really close. It's just plain awful and I'm just desperate now for suggestions. I had been on Midodrine, florinef, and Toperol. During that, I started getting really high bp episodes so I stopped the florinef. I felt better for a while. Now I have been really jumpy on my blood pressure really sporadically. All of a sudden I'll be sitting and I'll start to feel a squeezing in my chest, almost like deep down in my throat. And then I think....here it goes again. I go take my blood pressure and it's 139/105 which, yeah, okay, not so bad. But then I take it immediately after that and it's 100/70. And then I take it again immediately and it's 125/93. Then I take it again and it's 90/60. All in the matter of a minute. And I feel MISERABLE during all this. The squeezing feeling, getting hot, body feels restless, coldish, tingling in my body. I need to get regulated. I totally realize my numbers "aren't that bad". I get that. But this a.m. I was having one of these episodes where I was 87/56 and then it went up in the next moment to 120/87. And I'm talking the very next 20 seconds. This jumping around is making me sick! Even if my actual blood pressure number isn't so bad. PLEASE SOMEBODY....what suggestions do you have so I can get more evened out over here. I'm only 29. I don't like my bp being so high on the bottom when it's 97 or 110....I can't live forever this way. Somebody, somebody give me something to work with.

This a.m. I didn't drink much water but good night, I normally do. Any thoughts as to what is causing this and what I can do to fix it???? I'm having an episode as I type hence the desperation.....

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Easy, just breathe for a moment!(or at least try)

Firstly, if you are taking your BP with an automatic cuff every 20 seconds or so, it WILL NOT be accurate. To take BP, the cuff squeezes off the circulation, the refilling of the arteries takes a little time to normalize so those reading might not be accurate. Unless you have a beat to beat BP device, you need to wait a bit between readings.

On the flip side, when I had my testing at Vandy with the fancy equipment, my BP did something very similar to yours.

Do you wear compression? It really does help. A single cup of weak coffee helps me too.

The best med for me so far has been dDAVP. The next two are propranolol and klonopin. With those three together (and only together) I can make it through most days. These are all Rx meds, so that won't help you right now, but they could help if your doc thinks they are appropriate.

In the meantime, get some compression garments (I wear something like Spanx since I don't pool in my lower legs) and slurp on gatorade or broth. I know it is hard to be calm when you feel like you are dying, but try! Remember that this is the "fight or flight" response, so getting upset is NORMAL and BIOLOGICAL, but your rational brain can still get you through what your body is doing! Note, I didn't say "stop," just "get you through." Good luck and hang in there!


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Hi GG,

Mine is like that too but with serious BP drops. Take it straight after and get a high reading etc etc

I walk up one set of stairs and sometimes it makes me go to pieces - another day or even the next hour I will be fine doing it. Really wierd.

The longer I am having this pots the more I am getting used to the sensations despite feeling real bad IYSWIM.

I actually had my monitor checked as I thought that it sure must be faulty - but it was ok and it is my own body playing up!

I will keep an eye on this thread as I would like some answers too. ;)

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I can relate to the kind of desperation you describe. Have you had a chance to look into whether you might be one of the people with mast cell activation? I am, and the MCAD meds have helped me get out of what you are describing. If you haven't had a chance, Google the article out of Vanderbilt by Shibao et al (2005) called "Hyperadrenergic Pots in Mast Cell Activation Disorder" and see if it might apply to you. Hang in there.

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