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So If I'M Having An Episode


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I was just doing dishes and got my signal.

Kind of floaty all over I guess maybe the pins and needles.

I grabbed a bite of yogurt because that will bring my blood sugar up...

Poured myself some Gatorade, took a bite of banana...

Came out and checked my sugar and it was 120 which is okay I just finished up an ensure starting from about 3pm and just finished it a bit ago-

Vital signs were also normal.

99/60 and 80?

This is my second today...

And it could be I'm having a sugar drop I think I get those and it sets me off.

My mom wears a continuous monitor and she says you can have a sugar drop and not have it show up right away there is a lag time.

And I think I am getting those.

But basically if everything is normal...I'm thinking it's safe to just sit back and just try to take relaxing breaths and ride if out?

It could be a panic type reaction.

The only other thing I wish I had was a pulse oximeter.

Getting good readings puts my mind at ease.

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I feel terrible 90% of the time my vitals are normal sometimes even when I feel my worst beside the HR its high standing no matter how I feel...Alot of symptoms there are really have no tests to determine what is malfunctioning . Usually if you have a weird symptom you make sure 1st that you are getting enough fluid and nutrition and observe exactly what your feeling write it down and see if it improves in a few days and if not check with the doctor, or you'll drive yourself crazy. I get new symptoms that come and go every other day and at 1st I ran to the doctor all the time but now Its pretty predictable to me and hopefully you can find comfort in some way.BTW were you told you were hypoglycemic? And if so you know its so important to eat a proper diet, I mean did they set you up with a eating plan?


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It seems I'm just having hypoglycemic episodes that come and go.

I am trying to drink Ensure and eat bites of food regularly.

My stomach is in a tizzy right now.

I get full very easily and get real uncomfortable if I'm not careful.

This is like a 24 hour job here just to feed myself.

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I have mentioned this before that I had the same thing happen a few times it was more severe and serious when I was pregnant. Drinking ensure is a great idea and it may help your digestive system get use to digesting, how many are you drinking a day? I am also starting those next week when I can buy them..!! very expensive.What is the feeling you get when eating exactly? I know there are a few of us on here that have trouble eating. I read an article the other night about not eating properly causing autonomic problems and using supplements and a very balanced life (with deep breathing, low stress,positive mind) is suppose to get in back under control. I thought yeah right but I definitely haven't had the best balance so I think I'll give it a try along with the ensure and possible ssri. I am determined to get my life and body back!


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My doctor and I had a 4 day rule--if I have an exacerbation of my syncopal or tachy symptoms, or other autonomic related issues for 4 days, I was to come in. Other than that, I chalked up to flares.

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I'm drinking 2+ a day.

I prefer the ensure plus-it tastes better and has 350 calories so 2 of those = 700 calories a day and seems like a very good start.

In fact the only thing they have found wrong with me so far is that I am malnourished.

My amino acid gap was only half what it was supposed to be. My endo stated my episodes were because I was malnourished but I'm not sure if he was right.

Also my norepinephrine was elevated but I do have adrenaline surges and panic attacks so????

I did search the Internet and panic attacks can cause elevated catecholamines.

So when I eat I feel instantly bloated.

I often get a headrush and excruciating pounding in my head that feels like I could blow an aneurysm right there on the spot.

Funny sensations in the head and torso.

Sometimes short of breath.

Heart pounds blood pressure often goes up.

Incredible anxiety and discomfort that lasts anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour.

It feels like it takes forever for things to start moving along in my intestines.

Once it does I start getting relief but still feel a lot of pressure until some time passes.

I have no nausea or diarrhea.

Often when this first starts everything around me seems different.

It's like being in an altered reality.

I start bargaining with myself that if I can just get through the episode I'll never do that again.

So I guess it could lead to ritual or neurotic type behavior doing everything possible to try to avoid that feeling.

It's really scary though.

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Well Leize I am feeling EXACTLY the same way except the head blowing sensation but evertyhing else is exact!!! We really need to keep in touch one of us is bound to find out what this is.I did have my 24hr urine catecholemines checked just recently and that was normal....so I guess well see if drinking those will really make a difference.How long have u been drinking them?

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Two weeks?

I'll be out tomorrow.

I've gone through one pack of boost and 4? of ensure during that time.

Okay new symptom-stomach cramp razor blades and huge bloat gas feeling after eating a couple corn chips, and a couple bites of ham.

I don't know where this is coming from.

It's the first I've felt any pain and it's intense.

I think I almost prefer this to feeling as if I'm going to stroke out.

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I am sorry to hear that you are having eating problems. I was malnurished with feeling full, bloated, nauseated and weak after eating. What has helped me to get calories since I was very malnurished was a consult with a Dietician who helped with a low fat/ low fiber diet because of me having Gastroparesis and Diverticulitis. I purchased a book to count calories (The Calorie King-Calorie Fat & Carbohydrate Counter). I also seen GI doctors and they placed me on Domperidone 20mg before meals and at bedtime because of the Gastroparesis. Having the right diet (I was not able to drink Ensure or Boost do to the high fat/fiber content) to follow, eating 6 small meals (3 of them liquid supplements) along with counting calories and Domperidone has helped eliminate the feelings of being full, bloated, nauseated and weak when eating. I am also gaining weight and enjoy eating again. Finding soft/pureed foods easy to swallow and digest such as soups, mashed potatoes, puddings, ice cream, custard, canned fruits, yogurt, apple sauces, cooked vegetables even baby foods can help with calories. Liquids I drink for calories include carnation instant breakfast (I mix it in 1-2% Milk), yogurt smoothies (Danimals by Dannon & Strawberry smoothies by Stoneyfield) check with a local grocery store near you, milkshakes, V-8 Fusion, Gatorade or power drinks, juices, and a pint of water mixture with a teaspoon of salt & a teaspoon of sugar. I keep the mixture in a water bottle and drink it every hour on the hour until it is gone. I try to get 1-2 liters of fluid a day into my body along with keeping the water bottle filled and drink during the night when I wake up to stay hydrated. It is important to stay hydrated with fluids especially fluids with calories to improve your energy level and prevent loss of vitamins & minerals. I also googled on the Internet a Gastroparesis Diet for Delayed Stomach Emptying (A Step Diet) by Frank Jackson, M.D. which is easy to follow. Hope this helps on the road to recovery for your malnutrion.

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