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Mcad? Hives?


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This week I had my first case of hives. It's going on four days now and I'm miserable!

I got to reading and I remember seeing that some people had MCAD as a cause for their dysautonomia. I'm reading everything I can but it's all very overwhelming and I don't know where to start!

What kind of doctor usually diagnoses MCAD? Is it likely that the hives are related, or could it just be a fluke? I have searched the forums and have seen that so many of us have had this problem that I think it's worth checking out, even though this is only the first time I've had it.

Any tips on where to start?

I really appreciate it!

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Hi Tuesday,

Most likely the hives are a result of having come into contact with an allergan. Have you eaten anything new or been around a new animal, plant, bug, etc? Do you have any known allergies? If the hives don't go away with treatment (zyrtec in the AM, benadryl in the PM), you may want to see an allergist to do allergy testing.

In my case, I had severe allergy symptoms (including hives) and the allergist determined that I was allergic to NOTHING...that's how I began my journey towards MCAD.

To answer your question, a masto specialist (specialized allergist) is the best person to DX MCAD. If you live near a large teaching hospital, you may have one nearby. Otherwise, I'd start with a good allergist. You may want to print out a research article or two, linking POTS and MCAD so s/he knows what you are suspecting.

I hope the "itchies" stop soon. I know how frustrating that can be :huh: By any chance, are your autonomic symptoms also worsened with the hives?

Feel better-


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Yeah, my autonomic stuff is worse now, but the doc that I went to (just a walk in clinic) told me that I could be allergic to my meds, so he told me to hold off on them until it clears, then re-introduce them one at a time. My autonomic stuff is bound to be worse without my midodrine and all the rest.

I'll keep an eye on things and start looking for an allergist if it doesn't go away. I've been on Xyzal and Prednisone, and have been taking a Benadryl at night too just to help me sleep. Itch cream and oatmeal baths aren't helping that much :huh:

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Yeah, my autonomic stuff is worse now, but the doc that I went to (just a walk in clinic) told me that I could be allergic to my meds, so he told me to hold off on them until it clears, then re-introduce them one at a time. My autonomic stuff is bound to be worse without my midodrine and all the rest.

I'll keep an eye on things and start looking for an allergist if it doesn't go away. I've been on Xyzal and Prednisone, and have been taking a Benadryl at night too just to help me sleep. Itch cream and oatmeal baths aren't helping that much :huh:

So, the only med you stopped was the midrodine, right? You're right- that alone will worsen your autonomic stuff. You are on a good regimen to knock-out the hives. Prednisone is usually a last resort. During my last awful (intractable) batch, I began taking a nightly atarax- sweet relief! You may want to consider that one. Get to an allergist fast. Sounds like you've got a nasty case.



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