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I Need Info About Mcad


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Okay, I am on my second day of feeling like my limbs are constantly feeling "vasodilated". It makes me feel even more lightheaded and hot. I am having to turn my a/c down more to see if it can counteract the dilation with a little constriction.

I had read here and there about MCAD, along with what some of you that have it had said, and now I am ready to get serious to see if that might be my problem. I would like to relate what might be some of my symptoms as a possible connection, besides the OBVIOUS POTS itself:

--reddish areas on one arm and leg, not raised, that get intense if in sun or hot

--heat just makes me feel faint within 5 minutes, assuming it's just compounding the dilation

--before POTS, excercise would make my hands swell

--facial flushing when nervous, hot, or sometimes for no reason(checked for carcinoid-negative)

--lots of other stuff I just attribute to POTS(all the usuals)

What is a good starting test, cheapest, as I may just order it myself. I went to the masto. society, but they don't have a forum. Is there one out there somewhere?

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