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Klonpin Question


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Hi I am hoping someone could help me. Right before I was diagnosed I started having horrible panic surges. Most often they were at night...but not always.

Many of you know what these feel like. To me it seems like I am going to die...soon.

I am on a beta blocker and have been weaning myself off of klonopin because it can interfere with your short term memory. I am trying to only take the meds that really are effective. I planed on just taking the klonopin when I really need it... not every night. I was taking 1/2 a pill every other night ...down from 1 pill every night.

Anyway last night panic hit me and woke me up. Could this just be drug withdraw? If it is I will ride it out... or was the klonopin really helping my H-POTS? Thanks!

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Hi I am hoping someone could help me. Right before I was diagnosed I started having horrible panic surges. Most often they were at night...but not always.

Many of you know what these feel like. To me it seems like I am going to die...soon.

I am on a beta blocker and have been weaning myself off of klonopin because it can interfere with your short term memory. I am trying to only take the meds that really are effective. I planed on just taking the klonopin when I really need it... not every night. I was taking 1/2 a pill every other night ...down from 1 pill every night.

Anyway last night panic hit me and woke me up. Could this just be drug withdraw? If it is I will ride it out... or was the klonopin really helping my H-POTS? Thanks!

I'm a pharmacist, and I take Klonopin for my POTS. I fought the adrenaline surges for awhile and finally caved and started taking Klonopin after a bad reaction to SSRIs. I also tapered myself down to the lowest effective dose that I can tolerate without the horrid, adrenaline surges. For me, this is 0.125 mg in the am and 0.25 at bed time. There are 3 possibilities I can think of: 1) This is just withdrawal and will pass. It may take awhile because Klonopin has a very long half life. 2) You tapered a little too quickly. I cut my pill into fourths. I cut down by a fourth of a dose per day every two weeks. This is a slower taper than most physicians or the drug manufacturers recommend, but many benzodiazepine experts recommend a more gradual taper depending on how long you have been on the drug. 3) This is a re-emergence of your old symptoms.

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I'm not on any meds regularly but still experience the adrenaline surges.

Mine are happening mostly during the day and while driving hate that.

Sometimes they don't seem as bad but yesterday it was almost debilitating.

I almost considered trying meds again just to avoid this.


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I totally agree with TXPOTS. Klonopin can be nasty for withdrawal. I had to go off for my ANS testing and it was awful. I took six weeks coming off .5mg a day and it was still rough! It has a 36 hour half life, so you actually need to chart out your taper. I can't stress that enough. If you don't write down what you need to take and when ahead of time, you'll forget! There are several taper schedules online you can go by, my doctor made one for me. Good luck...it isn't fun!

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Firewatcher and TXPOTS, Thanks so much for the info. I wonder if I should stay on it? I thought my doctor felt that the betablockers were enough to block these surges. I also thought that this type of med becomes less effective over time.

I wasn't having any problems with the Klonopin... just have noticed my short term memory is worse after taking it.

I worry that what I am feeling is a return of my symptoms. How long do you think I have to be off of the drug for it to clear my system.... is that 36 hours? THANK YOU

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I agree with TXPOTS.

The only way you could know if your horrible surges are returning, or of it is klonopin withdrawal, is to wait and see. As TXPOTS said, the withdrawal can last for days.

Only you, yourself, can find out if klonopin was worthwhile.

In my case, after a while, I would need a higher dose of Klonopin to get the same effect, and I decided I did not want to do that. Also, I did not like the memory issues and weight gain that I had while on it. Other than that, it was a helpful medicine, probably the only one that I've tried that had a benefit.

So, to answer your question, we cannot really know the answer to your question.....

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I found when I was on the beta blockers for the short time I lost my brain. When I talk to others I know they say the same thing. Could it be that?

You are on such a baby does of the Klonpin, I won't suffer. We suffer enough.. I hope you will be feeling better soon.



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Firewatcher and TXPOTS, Thanks so much for the info. I wonder if I should stay on it? I thought my doctor felt that the betablockers were enough to block these surges. I also thought that this type of med becomes less effective over time.

I wasn't having any problems with the Klonopin... just have noticed my short term memory is worse after taking it.

I worry that what I am feeling is a return of my symptoms. How long do you think I have to be off of the drug for it to clear my system.... is that 36 hours? THANK YOU

Unfortunately, the withdrawal symptoms can hang around for days or even weeks after the drug is out of your system. Plus, the half life is 19-50 hours in adults. So, think of it this way, if the half life is 20 hours in your body. Fifty percent may be out of your system in 20 hours, 25% in 40 hours, 12.5% in 80 hours, etc.... It changes your brain chemistry (GABA system), so the brain must adjust back. Each patient is so different. Some patients have absolutely no trouble with relatively quick tapers, while others really need a slow, tedious taper. The two biggest factors are dose and how long one has been on the drug. I would not continue to cut the dose down further if I was experiencing bouts of anxiety/ adrenaline surges. Don't hesitate to relay what is happening to your doctor if this continues.

The official statement per manufacturer and literature is that patients with anxiety do not develop a tolerance to Klonopin over time. However, I have had several patients tell me that they have noticed a decrease in effect over time, and as an anti-seizure medication, Klonopin does lose effect over time. I certainly believe these patients. It's really a individual patient thing. I, personally, have not developed tolerance over a year. In fact, I was able to cut back on the Klonopin to 1/3rd of the original dose after we started treating my POTS. However, I have not been able to come off completely, but my POTS is still here, just not as severe.

Hugs! I hate the adrenaline surges. I have hypovolemic and suspected neuropathic POTS, and I still get these awful surges. They are so miserable.

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Thanks for all of the help! I learned more from all of you then I could searching the internet.

yesterday was rough... I was easily startled.

Last night every time I rolled over in bed I felt like I had an adrenal surge... so I took 1/2 half of a klonopin in the the middle of the night.

I guess I changed my mind. I'm going to keep taking it.

Bella, Firewatcher, and TXPOTS- MANY MANY thanks. I feel better about my taking it because it has always worked for me I have been taking .5 for a year. Now I am breaking them in half. -gratefully -kayjay

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I'm just learning this site. This is my first time to use it. Hope it's right.

Does Adavain work the same as Klonipin? I recently had it in the hospital when I reacted to a pain med they gave me. It sure calmed me down. Seemed to help the adrenal surge of the POTS.

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I'm just learning this site. This is my first time to use it. Hope it's right.

Does Adavain work the same as Klonipin? I recently had it in the hospital when I reacted to a pain med they gave me. It sure calmed me down. Seemed to help the adrenal surge of the POTS. :rolleyes: I thought I might ask the doctor to have some on hand for emergencies.

Ativan and Klonopin are both in the same class of medications (benzodiazepines). Ativan is shorter acting than Klonopin and Valium. It doesn't stay in the body as long, but it works more quickly. Xanax is even shorter acting than Ativan and works very quickly for an acute, severe panic attack or adrenaline surge. As a preventative and sleep aid, Klonopin may be your choice due to it's long half life. For abortive therapy and occasional use, some physicians choose Xanax. Ativan falls in between. It really depends on patient and physician preference.

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Thanks Txpots,

I'm just now starting my search for meds for this illness. I've known for awhile that I've had POTS and the cardio doctor I went to tried beta blockers which lowered my BP too much. I felt worse on them. Tried about 4 different ones. Also tried Topamax and Florenef. (I think that was the name, it's the salt retaining pill). That one made my BP too high. I swell terribly bad anyway without any more salt retention. I do wear compression garments and it helps keep that down and I feel better. My circulation is awful. I recently moved to AZ and don't have a doctor here. Anyone know a good one? I'm looking forward to this web site and having people with the same problems to talk with. It makes you not feel not so ALONE!!

I recently broke my foot off my leg and have a long recovery ahead of me. Finally I've found that if I use Ultram 3x a day and an occasional Advil, I'm tolerating the pain. If it's REAL bad, I take 1/2 Demoral and 1/2 Phenagan. It still messes up the POTS, but at least I can sleep and I feel it's worth the mess up when the pain is sooooo bad. I'm dreading the rehab. I was already almost in a wheelchair due to the POTS. Have to use a cane at times. The physical therapist who came to teach me how to use the walker to transfer into the wheelchair, could not understand why I was having soooo much trouble with it. I have had problems with mobility before breaking my foot off my leg. No one gets it. I hope I can get someone that will be patient with me and understand the limitations. For over a year and a half, I was treated for Parkinsons--which I didn't have. It turned out to be POTS with Ehlers Danlos, FMS and the adrenal surges due to the POTS. They thought I had multiple system atrophy. We went to Mayo and FINALLY got a diagnosis that made sense. I sure do hope that I'll find some answers that will help.

I do react very strongly to any meds. I think if the Ativan is the middle of the road, that may be what's best for me. But---first I have to find a doctor who is willing to work with me. And who is willing to try to learn about something that few doctors know about. I think that because so few people have this, they don't want to spend their time educating themselves for just one person. I hope I'm wrong about that and that there are still caring doctors out there. Hope I find one of them!!!!!!!

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I am not sure why but Klonopin is better for me than ativan. I think TXPOTS has great info and for me I think the Klonopin might prevent the surges that i get.

for now I am going to keep taking a half of a .5 (or is it.05) pill at night. It does help me sleep.

On ativan I felt out of it a little. I don't feel weird on Klonopin.

I don't think I am taking enough to mess up my memory (I hope) i think the POTS is to blame for that.

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I am with kayjay... a small dose of Klonopin really works well for me. I could be wrong (and I don't mind being corrected), but it seems as though Klonopin is the most common benzodiazepine used to treat POTS. I used to get this horrible and embarrassing leg trembling. A woman on you tube actually documents these POTS legs shakes and trembles, so I was relieved to find I was not alone. The Klonopin took care of that awful syndrome which I presume is from an adrenaline surge. It's interesting but Klonopin has an indication for restless leg syndrome, which is why my neurologist chose this benzo over others.

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Thanks for the replies!!!! I'm soooo sensitive to meds and have never tried the Klonipin. Since the Ativan didn't mess me up, that's why I thought that one would be okay. But, maybe the Klonipin would work the same. Goodness knows I don't need to lose more of my brain function. It seems that it continues to get worse with ==no meds!!!! I just thought it was firbrofog. Maybe the POTS has something to do with it.

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