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How Much Turmeric?

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I tried 1/2 tsp. today with water. I'm wondering if that's not enough. I was worried about a stimulant effect - which I have ZERO tolerance for. Symptoms go crazy. I know this may not be the best way to absorb since it is ONLY Turmeric, but I have to give something a shot. The fatigue and fog are awful.


Thanks everyone...

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I tried 1/2 tsp. today with water. I'm wondering if that's not enough. I was worried about a stimulant effect - which I have ZERO tolerance for. Symptoms go crazy. I know this may not be the best way to absorb since it is ONLY Turmeric, but I have to give something a shot. The fatigue and fog are awful.


Thanks everyone...

Hi Jen,

Did it help? I think I felt a benefit almost right away.

Your dose seems good actually. I did a little research & people in India consume about 2 grams a day, which is the equivalent of 100mg. That's actually slightly less than a 1/2 tsp. Using the spice is MUCH cheaper that buying a supplement. Lots of people make a tea of it- they add honey & lemon ;) . Others use turmeric in veggies, rice, etc.

You're inspiring me to try it again. I used GNC capsules last time and had an allergic reaction. I may try the pure spice & just use it in my food- 12 tsp. seems doable.

Let us know if it's helping!


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I will let you know definitely. I'm worried that this may not do anything since it's straight Turmeric. (?)

Also, I hope it is safe to take with bb's!

Many people use straight turmeric. I have never seen it contraindicated with BB's. I think it does slightly thin your blood, so folks who take blood thinners, aspirin, etc would have to be careful.

To be safe, let your physician know what you are doing. I tell my doc about all of my supplements.

Do you feel any peppier??? I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you.


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Guest tearose

I used !/2 tsp of the spice in food twice a day.

It took a week and then I got terrible headaches. I stopped the turmeric and the headaches went away. I hope it works for you!

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I used !/2 tsp of the spice in food twice a day.

It took a week and then I got terrible headaches. I stopped the turmeric and the headaches went away. I hope it works for you!

I ultimately had a bad reaction too.....but I got much more energy during the period I was able to use it. How about you, Tea? Did it help with your fatigue for that week?


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Guest tearose

It was not enough of a trial unfortunately for me to say it helped.

I stick to the caffeine now and use this as a medicine. The CoQ10 at the 200mg level was not doing anything. I just got an okay from my pcp to take it up to 1200mg which is the theraputic level used in people with neurodegenerative tendencies. I am not ready to start this since I just started increasing my activity level and I don't want to confuse any possible side effects.

In a couple of weeks I want to do start slowly increasing the CoQ10 I will post about it.

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It was not enough of a trial unfortunately for me to say it helped.

I stick to the caffeine now and use this as a medicine. The CoQ10 at the 200mg level was not doing anything. I just got an okay from my pcp to take it up to 1200mg which is the theraputic level used in people with neurodegenerative tendencies. I am not ready to start this since I just started increasing my activity level and I don't want to confuse any possible side effects.

In a couple of weeks I want to do start slowly increasing the CoQ10 I will post about it.

Good I want to hear about it. I'm always looking for the next fatigue-buster. I use caffeine similarly :blink: In moderation, it helps me too.


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