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Everything posted by jendays247

  1. I will let you know definitely. I'm worried that this may not do anything since it's straight Turmeric. (?) Also, I hope it is safe to take with bb's!
  2. I tried 1/2 tsp. today with water. I'm wondering if that's not enough. I was worried about a stimulant effect - which I have ZERO tolerance for. Symptoms go crazy. I know this may not be the best way to absorb since it is ONLY Turmeric, but I have to give something a shot. The fatigue and fog are awful. Input? Thanks everyone...
  3. Hi everyone, I'm already so happy I found this forum. My name is Jen. I'm 25. I have been symptomatic for 6 years (neurological stuff mostly) and developed Postural Hypertension/High HR I would say a few months ago. I have been going through tests for MS since I was 19, and while I do have lesions in typical MS areas, they have not changed over the years and doctors suspect they may have been there forever since they are small and I do have a hx of migraine w/aura. I will find out more once I have my spinal MRIs done next Tuesday, as I have been having leg weakness for almost a year and have developed muscle atrophy and even greater weakness in my left leg. Initially, I attributed the raise in BP and HR to the fact that I have been relatively inactive for the last 9 months. However, I don't know if something like that can cause a person's HR to shoot to 200 in less than 20 seconds of standing up. I was dx with POTS the other day in the hospital, but have been reading about it and suspecting it for quite some time. They would not even perform a TTT on me because of the rapid increase in heartrate and their fear that the test would actually cause damage to my cardiovascular system. I was not disappointed. I never wanted to get that test done! I am currently on Atenolol 6.25 mg. I know that sounds low, but it seems to be working for me. I do get waves of intense fatigue, but I know this medication is essentially saving my life, so I'm trying to push through. I have dealt with brain fog for years, and it has gotten so bad within the last few months. The atenolol seems to worsen it at times, but again, these side effects SEEM to be transient, and I have only been on the medication for four days, so I hope they go away. I'm noticing strange things since I've been on the bb. My leg weakness does not seem to be as bad at all (except during the episodes of fatigue). I have the typical bb side effects like dizziness and such, so I am restricted in my walking, but have used a wheelchair any time I am outside of the house for the last 9 months. I would love to regain my strength and walk normally again. I suspect that I do have MS and that it has finally gotten to my ANS. I have thought this from the very beginning, 6 years ago. Not one doctor will agree with me. It is a dx I absolutely do not want, but I'm so frustrated that I need to figure this out. My LP was clear, but we will see what the MRIs show. I am not sure if I have a ton of questions right now. I would really like to know how everyone is doing with the Turmeric. I read the entire thread the other day and am going to get some soon (or, rather, sending someone to get it for me). Also, I'd like to know if those of you on bb's had side effects that did indeed go away as time went on. Regarding the Turmeric - I know someone asked about it having a stimulant effect like caffeine and it was said not to. Is everyone else on it finding this to be true? I cannot tolerate stimulants, heat, or exercise. Alcohol makes me feel COMPLETELY normal (brain fog gone, dizziness gone, strength in legs returns) until the next day when things go haywire and new symptoms appear. I'd love to know if anyone else is like me, and I look forward to hearing about everyones' experiences with the things I'm concerned about! Thanks in advance, Jen I should add: I have been seen at the Cleveland Clinic's Mellen Center (for MS) and am going back in a couple of weeks for skin biopsies to check for small nerve fiber problems, an EMG, and will be seeing a rheumatologist as I had a positive ANA but do not have any joint or bone problems, so I'm not sure what he will really be able to do for me.
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