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I have been tracking a pattern with my POTS for several months now and wanted to see if anyone else notices this. I had a hysterectomy a few years back (due to severe endometriosis) so I don't have periods but did keep an ovary so I do still have cyclical changes but I can't say for sure when or if I would have been on my period. I go through a just horrible time for a couple of weeks where everything is flared. Bowels are out of control - going either one way or another - horrible stomach pains, head pressure/dizziness is unbearable, chest tightness is awful, atrial arrythmias acting up very frequently, difficulty with bp and heartrate, etc. etc. etc. Then, things seem to settle for a week or so where I can function.....I can do some housework and even get out of the house for short errands, although I still wouldn't be able to walk through a large store or shop for a long period. But, I can function relatively well without debilitating symptoms. I can eat without pain or "consequences (if you know what I mean)". It's not a matter of stress being worse because the stress level is the same.....Then, powie, it starts over again.

This has to be hormone related - my question is - has anyone ever had their hormones tested during a flare (I'm talking about female hormones)? Or has anyone been told anything clinical about this? I know so many of you say you feel worse when you are on your period - why is this? It seems like if we could supplement whatever hormone is lacking during this time, maybe the symptoms could be better controlled. On the converse however, if it's too much of a hormone, I have no idea how to fix that.....anyway, thoughts anyone?

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Part of the problem is that not all of your hormones are ovarian in origin. You've got the pituitary regulating biological rhythms of LH, FsH, Growth Hormone, etc. There are cycles that are natural and NECESSARY. If you stop all hormone changes (like going on the pill non-stop) other hormones will eventually get out of whack. I have had my hormones checked many times, during flares and not, and mine are mostly very low, except for cortisol. Fortunately for me, hormone replacement therapy has helped tremendously. That will not be the case for everyone. Every hormone does multiple things (no exceptions!) They are just now finding out how certain sex hormones effect brain functioning and how melatonin does as much to regulate sex hormones as sleep. Serotonin is used in the brain, but produced in the gut. Endocrinology is a chemical soup that is very difficult to find the recipes for! The brain, the mind and the body are all very closely interrelated and interactive and very poorly understood. Even the heart has turned out to be an endocrine gland, secreting or signaling peptides in response to stress and other things. I wish it was as easy as A + B = C, but is more like Aa + Bb might = Cc as long as Aa isn't AA and not counteracted by Pq.

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As my menses died (a horrible death!) my symptoms were the worst they had ever been- extremely out of control. I guess I'm not officially in menopause, as I use a HRT patch, but this regular steady stream of hormones has GREATLY relieved my symptoms.

I was having awful hot flashes, every few seconds. I use a Combi-patch, only 3/4 of one twice a week. I feel grand.

Hormones have a HUGE impact on our symptoms.

I didn't start until several months without sign of menses and no negative symptoms. A few months later, out of the blue, the out-of-control hot flashes began. I began the combi-patch and I have renewed energy, calm, steadiness. Ahhhhhhh- bliss.

I hope you're here soon :rolleyes: .


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