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Diaphragm Spasms?


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Anybody else? I can't be sure this is happening but all of a sudden my breathing gets difficult and I almost have to breathe mechanically til it stops.

Could this be a spasm of my diaphragm-just had one but it didn't last long at all.

Also I get this sensation that the spasm moves up to other areas at times. Sometimes even in my throat and I just have to wait for it to pass.

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Does swallowing trigger it ever? I get esophogeal spasms that interfere with my ability to breathe regularly (because they're so painful). They do feel like they travel up into my throat at times. They seem to start anywhere along the esophagus and travel. It feels like when you swallow too quickly or haven't chewed something well enough and you get that pain in your chest. But mine will happen sporadically and come and go like labor contractions for 6- 12 hours at a time. Not sure this is what you're describing but all those structures in that area are so close together and tied so closely with nerve innervations, sometimes it's hard to localize what's hurting.

Anything that interferes with feeling like you can breathe normally has to be scary. Hope you can figure this one out.

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I'm wondering too if it is more of an anxiety thing. That can give the sensation of tightening up and another anxiety patient says she does the breathing thing too. I'm still trying to sort out what is POTS what is anxiety. I keep telling myself there should be nothing "wrong" with my lungs. I had two chest xrays this past year that showed no type of active disease. I don't smoke. And have been really healthy except for just getting these viruses and dealing with the after affects of them.

Thank you though to everyone who read this and Chaos for responding. I'm not sure what is triggering it. It seems to just come out of the blue. I haven't made a connection to anything else yet.


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a diaphragm spasm is a hiccup. sounds like you are describing esophogeal spasms. there's excellent medication available for that. they can feel like a heart attack because they actually cause cardiac pain. ask your doctor or phrmacist for a prescription for anti-spasm for esophogus.

Wow thanks for this. If it continues or gets worse I'd be willing to try something. It almost seems like it's happening less often and it is a bit uncomfortable when it happens but usually passes. I also do feel it in different places all the way up into my throat.

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