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How Much Sodium?


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The specialist I saw at Cleveland Clinic told me to add 5g more then I normally would have. I had no clue what the typical daily allowance was for sodium so I looked it up and it said 1400mg-2000mg. I know 5g is 5000mg, So between 6400-7000mg I guess. I dont rellay pay any attention, even though I know I should. Now I'm sure its different for everyone, but thats just what the doc said. And it was on a hand out she gave me too.


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I was told by my doctor 12-15mg a day but I know you can't ever have too much so don't worry about over salting. I salt everything. Put salt in my water, all drinks, food, etc. You can even take salt tablets but they made me sick.

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My daughter's EP prescribed close to 4g per day. My daughter started out with just 1g per day (in addition to regularly salting foods plus gatorade) but it really made her feel worse. She said her overheating increased and her stomach was getting bloated. The bloating happened also when she tried florinef and it made her so sick she was unable to eat.

Does high salt make other people sick, too? I see Kari that you said they made you sick. I don't know if I should be pushing something that makes her feel bad in the short term hoping for long term progress.

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Thank so much! This is much more information than I had before... I think I'll keep track for a while and see how much sodium I'm getting...my girls say that I already salted everything lots and I never realized just as I'd already been drinking lots of water because I'm so terribly thirsty.


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I just returned from Vandy and they told me to get 8 - 10 grams of salt per day. I put salt in everything. The good part about adding salt to everything is that I am always thirsity, so I don't have any trouble getting the extra liquids in. I can't take the salt tablets either, they make me sick, but adding extra salt to my food hasn't seemed to bother me so far. Spreading the salt out over the day seems to have helped.

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I was told 8-10mg of sodium a day. The salt tabs also make me sick. I have tried the buffered salt tabs and they are easier on my stomach but, you have to swallow a lot of them. If you started drastically increasing your salt intake then I would check your bloodpressure periodically. A high salt diet can cause hypertension which is one reason why the general public is told to limit it. Hopefully the salt helps make you thirsty and retrain the water you do drink to keep your pressure up at a normal level. It helps me. I usually salt food which is soooooo hard because pre-POTS I never put salt on anything. Eating salty snacks can help but i remember when I was first diagnosed I was so proud of myself for eating lots of fritos only to find out I was only getting 170 mg of sodium per serving. I know it adds up but its hard to eat so much salt when I'm used to healthy fresh fruit, vegetables, grilled chicken etc.

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I was told 8-10mg of sodium a day. The salt tabs also make me sick. I have tried the buffered salt tabs and they are easier on my stomach but, you have to swallow a lot of them. If you started drastically increasing your salt intake then I would check your bloodpressure periodically. A high salt diet can cause hypertension which is one reason why the general public is told to limit it. Hopefully the salt helps make you thirsty and retrain the water you do drink to keep your pressure up at a normal level. It helps me. I usually salt food which is soooooo hard because pre-POTS I never put salt on anything. Eating salty snacks can help but i remember when I was first diagnosed I was so proud of myself for eating lots of fritos only to find out I was only getting 170 mg of sodium per serving. I know it adds up but its hard to eat so much salt when I'm used to healthy fresh fruit, vegetables, grilled chicken etc.

I am having the same problem. It is hard to go from eating a diet of fresh fruit, raw vegetables and grilled and bake foods to foods high in salt. Unfortunately I am having trouble finding foods high in salt that are low in fat. I am getting tired of chicken broth already and it's only been a week. I am supposed to see a dieticean (sp) soon to help me find ways to get the salt without the fat. I'll let you know how it goes.

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I am having the same problem. It is hard to go from eating a diet of fresh fruit, raw vegetables and grilled and bake foods to foods high in salt. Unfortunately I am having trouble finding foods high in salt that are low in fat. I am getting tired of chicken broth already and it's only been a week. I am supposed to see a dieticean (sp) soon to help me find ways to get the salt without the fat. I'll let you know how it goes.

I think that marinades have lots of salt in them too and arent high in fat. Teriyaki or italian dressing marinade etc on veggies, chicken and fish is good

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