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Dr Stewart Has Updated His Article


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Thanks for posting that - a great article. I am going to take it with me to my next ep cardio visit next month. My symptoms have always baffled me because they occur upright and sitting and even lying down.....I would like for him to do some more testing and this is a great guideline! Thanks again.

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Thanks for the link. It's one we all should keep on file.

I am going to have to re-read when I have less brain fog ... but at first blush I see the breakdown for us chronic potters etilogy as some form of either: global hypovolemia,

disturbances in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, excessive adrenergic activation (hyperadrenergic POTS) or this new theory parasympathetic withdrawal.

Yet, wheras the other paths get discussed in

more detail (even things like EDS defined) ... I don't see any further mention of the mechanics of what parasympathetic withdrawal would look like.

My undergraduate thesis (some 25+ years ago) was on a physiologic paradigm for the condition known as 'learned helplessness' and established in my study to be based on parasympathetic rebound. In this case the parasympathetic branch over-shoots after a stress event and the participant simply can't get it up for the next stressor (lower than baseline pulse). But parasympathetic withdrawal sounds like it might be saying that the parasympathetic branch is actually NOT kicking in and we are left with unabated sympathetic arousal (high baseline pulse on standing). Yet that wouldn't account for how the ANS cranks way down again on supine.

What have you gleened is this new parasympathetic withdrawal theory?

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I have read this awhile back. You know I have blood pooling even when sitting its only goes away when I lay down. And also I had my aldostrone and renin check once but it was just sitting like a regular blood test would that make it inaccurate? This stuff is so crazy! I wish I didn't have to do all this research alone.


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