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Going Through Zoloft/klonopin Withdrawal..any Help?


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I'm going off Zoloft and Klonopin before my November 30th appointment for dysautonomia testing so my tests will be accurate. It's been going okay but last night the pain was awful...I couldn't stand any touch at all and I've had pain through my entire body...bottom of my feet, scalp, everywhere. Got through the worst of it last night but am wondering if anyone else has gone through this?

I am glad that I'm going off so the doctor will be able to use whatever treatments are best for me and also so I get a really accurate test.


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I'm on both Paxil (15 mg) and Klonopin (.5 mg), and every time I tried to go off Klonopin I would have anxiety/panic attacks after about the 10th day. I could get down to .25 on the Klonopin, but after that, I just haven't been able to do it yet. I hope they're taking you off very slowly. And going off both at once - you're definitely a better woman than I!

Great job!


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Go as slowly as you can! It took me 6 weeks to come off of .5mg Klonopin a day! Get a good, sharp razor blade and cut that pill into eights! If you are down to half a pill, cut it into quarters and take in two doses through the day. Klonopin has a half-life of about 36 hours, so you will get to a point where you'll need to take it every other day. I had to calculate my dosages and write it on my calendar so that I would remember how much to take and when. It is hard, but not impossible! There are no short-cuts, just be especially good to yourself while you wean off.

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Tessie- make sure you have to really be off of the klonopin. for mayo clinic I just didn't take it the day of my blood work. You may be making yourself suffer for naught. I did have to come off of my lexapro and my betablocker but my dr gave me short acting meds. You don't want to hurt yourself trying to go off two at once and for me I think I wanted to be off of the klonpin.

I still take it every night. Some drugs will not effect the tests at all. Or you may only have to be off of them for a really short time. You just have to talk to a dr. b/c someone in the "office" who really doesn't knowwhat they are talking about may tell you to "come off everything". Also I hat ativan the night before my tilt table test and I still had DRAMATIC results. Maybe you could have soemthing like that. I hate to think of you suffering more for no good reason!

I started the Klonopin back up as soon as I could because without it I really feel my adreneal "storms". GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!!

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Did you wean yourself off of the Zoloft. I came off of it earlier this year and it was rough. I weaned myself off over the course of about 4 months. I would get "brain zaps" every time I turned my head or moved my eyes. I was sick to my stomach and would get tremors. It was not fun. Benadryl helped with some of the withdraw. Good luck!

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I had crazy panic and anxiety when I was coming off Lexapro and then Klonopin ? and then the alarming brain zaps kicked in ? but I didn?t have the kind of pain you are describing. Coming off these drugs was one of the hardest things I?ve ever done in my life and for most people it takes weeks and months of tapering down to get through it with the least amount of problems. I?d call my doc and discuss if you?re not feeling better. You can tell the difference between ?horrible and uncomfortable but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel? and ?there?s absolutely no way I can survive this for another second?. Good luck!

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I'm on both Paxil (15 mg) and Klonopin (.5 mg), and every time I tried to go off Klonopin I would have anxiety/panic attacks after about the 10th day. I could get down to .25 on the Klonopin, but after that, I just haven't been able to do it yet. I hope they're taking you off very slowly. And going off both at once - you're definitely a better woman than I!

Great job!


I'm definitely not a better woman...I'm relieved that for some reason that I can't explain I haven't had anxiety...have always had very tough anxiety. Have been going down gradually but not nearly as gradual as I would have liked to be able...did just talk to an office worker...could be that I haven't needed to do this...oh my!

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