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Do Any Of You Cough For No Reason?


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I'm going off of the medicines I've taken for the past 2 years so that my testing will be more accurate for dysautonomia when I go on the 30th. At the beginning of my more severe problems I was coughing lots in the morning until I'd eventually throw up. The coughing has started again....does this happen to anyone else?

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I've had periods of time when I'd cough spontaneously with changes in position, especially getting up. Wasn't sick, didn't have phlegm or anything to cough up, no known irritant... felt more like a pulmonary pressure wierdness. It hasn't happened recently. I don't think I had nausea at the same time... though I've had periods of mild nausea too.

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I spontaneously got asthma-like symptoms where I couldn't speak a full sentence without coughing or getting hoarse. It lasted for several months. I did a pulmonary test that came back completely normal (shocker). My doctor prescribed a steroid inhaler anyways and it took care of all those symptoms. I was able to wean myself off of it after about 6 months and am totally fine without it now. No rhyme or reason for any of it.

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When you say ,"for no reason", can I take that to mean that your cough has been evaluated by the medical community and nothing has been found as a cause?

By "for no reason" I mean I don't have a cold or phlegm sometimes I might have been around an irritant but most of the time I just cough and don't even know it. My husband says I never really quit coughing but it's definitely more since I've been going off of Zoloft and Klonopin. I also don't always breathe at night. Had a sleep study and they said my nervous system just didn't tell me to breathe all the time but not enough to use a C-PAP or oxygen. This also really concerns my husband.

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I seem to cough for no reason after eating, which is completely knew. I think it is related to dysautonomia symptoms.

I've never noticed if it's related to eating...that's interesting. My coughing doesn't always lead to nausea....it's more then but I always cough most in the morning when I have the most other POTS symptoms.

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Sounds like reflux to me, have you had a bravo? This a test where they clip a small sensor to your esophagus and track your acid production for 48 hours. You wear a small receiver that records everything. Many don't feel the heartburn that they do have.

I have been treated for reflux before but never been tested ...interesting thought!

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sounds strange...are you on one of those beta blockers known to cause asthma? Just woke up and too sleepy to think of which ones cause this....weird what the sleep place told you..mild sleep apnea...? but that's during sleeping.

I'm not on any beta blockers. The sleep place said that because I only stopped breathing 3 times and not 5 times during testing that I didn't qualify by insurance standards for treatment. I felt that any times of not breathing weren't good and considering that I hardly slept that night because of all the discomfort I wondered how many times I normally stop breathing.

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