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Standing Up And Walking Around


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Does standing up and walking around aggravate your other symptoms too? Not only do I feel lightheaded/dizzy/nauseous when I'm upright, I also occasionally get stomach pain/all over body pain, bladder problems, bowel incontinence. It's like I have already run a marathon when I stand up. If I have taken my salt tablets I am usually fine with the BP and HR but it's actually other symptoms which force me to lie/sit down again (as in I'm in too much pain to stand up and walk around)

Anybody else get this? And do you know why?


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Does standing up and walking around aggravate your other symptoms too? Not only do I feel lightheaded/dizzy/nauseous when I'm upright, I also occasionally get stomach pain/all over body pain, bladder problems, bowel incontinence. It's like I have already run a marathon when I stand up. If I have taken my salt tablets I am usually fine with the BP and HR but it's actually other symptoms which force me to lie/sit down again (as in I'm in too much pain to stand up and walk around)

Anybody else get this? And do you know why?


I notice lately, that when I get up and go walking at lunch, when I'm at stores, I feel like I need to go poo RIGHT NOW. If I wait a little bit, I'm okay. But it confused the heck out of me. It's like this horrible feeling. I go to the bathroom...nothing. But I really did feel like I needed to go really bad. Sometimes it's just gassiness, but it's still when I get up and move around. I chalked it up to the movement of my legs and the wiggly of my colon. XD

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I do not really notice the bathroom issues, but I do get the dizzy, lightheaded and sometimes nausea and jittery/trembling feelings. I kind of thought that it was weird I would get the symptoms since the meds I am on keep my hr and bp in a pretty good range most of the time. I am assuming with pots, even if the hr and bp are good on meds, it must be a stressor on the body just being upright and doing simple things.

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Oh yeah I know what you mean... If I go out to eat and get up and stand, I'd better go straight home or I could be in for BIG TROUBLE!!! <_< wHO AM I KIDDING, wHEN I STAND EVERYTHING GETS WORSE. TODAY'S ttt table test proved it. :P

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All of our symtpoms can be worse when we are standing. Most of those other symptoms can be a result of the stress that our bodies experience from being upright. I like to think of it this way... our bodies cannot properly manage any of our autonomic functions, but they can at least try so long as there is no crisis going on. When we stand up, it is such a stress on our systems that it requires that our body send all available resources, so those resources are no longer available to keep other symptoms under control. It's like watching children, maybe you can handle 4 or 5 well behaved toddlers, but the minute one starts throwing a tantrum, all of your energy goes to that child and the other children can start misbehaving too because you can't watch over them as well since all of your attention is drawn to the one that is kicking and screaming. That's just my theory.

~ Broken_Shell <_<

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It's like watching children, maybe you can handle 4 or 5 well behaved toddlers, but the minute one starts throwing a tantrum, all of your energy goes to that child and the other children can start misbehaving too because you can't watch over them as well since all of your attention is drawn to the one that is kicking and screaming. That's just my theory.

~ Broken_Shell :P

I love your theory! <_<

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On some days when I am standing, I feel as if I haven't eaten for a week, ran a marathon, and I'm dying all at the same time. And then I sit down and half the symptoms go away until I stand again.

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